{Book Review} The Game Changer by Marie Landry

Posted December 30, 2012 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews / 5 Comments

The Game Changer by Marie Landry
Pages: 295
Published: November 13, 2012
Age Group: Adult
Genre: chick lit/contemporary
Source: ecopy from Author
Buy this Book: Amazon Kindle 


Melody Cartwright has never had a problem with change, but for the first time in her life the changes are beyond her control—she suddenly has a niece she never knew, but has to prove herself to; her best friend is making huge life changes of her own; and she has to deal with her ex and his crazy new girlfriend who has stalker tendencies.
When Melody meets confident, sexy Julian, she’s not interested in a relationship. He tells her it’s possible for a man and a woman to just be friends, and despite his ultra-charming ways there’s something about him that makes Melody believe he could be right.
During a time of change and turmoil, it doesn’t take long for Julian to become everything Melody never knew she needed in her life. But is it possible for them to remain ‘just friends’ or will Melody be a game changer for Julian the playboy?

I read a lot of contemporaries in 2012 and I have to say that The Game Changer is my favorite Contemporary Romance of 2012! I just loved it. The characters are awesome. I didn’t feel like I was reading a story about Melody, I felt like I was along for the ride with her, experiencing it all as her friend. I wouldn’t change a thing about The Game Changer. I loved that it wasn’t a super short book, it actually had some meat on it. 

As soon as Olivia and Melody moved in together and said that they always wanted to have a cute apartment by themselves like Monica and Rachel from Friends, I was hooked! Olivia and Melody had me cracking up. I just loved watching the two of them together. 

But what I really loved about The Game Changer is that even the secondary characters were fully fleshed out and developed. You got to know everyone, and each of their stories was effortlessly woven into the main plot. Marie Landry makes writing seem effortless. She made me tear up in BOTH of her books. (and I am not an easy crier people!) She is just a powerful writer. I loved Blue Sky Days, but I loved The Game Changer even more. 

Melody meets Julian, who I absolutely loved as well, pretty quickly in the story but the romance and friendship builds between them throughout the book. No one can classify this as insta-love. This is the real, believable kind of love that will have you rooting for the two of them and sometimes wanting to hit them upside the head so they can just get over themselves and make something happen already! Because you know they are so perfect together, but just like real life things happen, there are ups and downs, and of course, there is change. 

The Game Changer is one of those rare books that I fell in love with one page one. I had to put it down a few times because I didn’t want it to end. I want to read it again and again. The Game Changer is a must read!

5/5 Gavels

Marie Landry is the author of Blue Sky Days (contemporary YA – Jan 2012), Undressed (a collection of short erotic romance stories – Oct 2012), and The Game Changer (chick lit – Nov 2012). Marie has always been a daydreamer; since early childhood, she’s had a passion for words and a desire to create imaginary worlds, so it only seemed natural for her to become a writer. She resides in Ontario, Canada, and most days you can find her writing, reading, blogging about writing and reading, listening to U2, or having grand adventures with her two precious nephews. For more, please visit marielandry.blogspot.ca

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5 responses to “{Book Review} The Game Changer by Marie Landry

  1. I know how you felt, wanting to put it down to savor it longer. I just couldn’t stop reading it though! I had to force myself to go to bed. 😛 Glad to see that you enjoyed this one too! 😀

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