{Review+G!veaway} Forever my Girl by Heidi McLaughlin

December 28, 2012 Reviews 12

Welcome to my stop on the Forever My Girl blog tour
ebook220 pages
Published December 27th 2012 by Bandit Publishing Company
Age Group: Adult
Series: The Beaumont #1
Source: eARC from Author
Buy this Book: Amazon


 was never supposed to be a rock star. I had my life all planned out for me. Play football in college. Go to the NFL. Marry my high school sweetheart and live happily ever after. 
I broke both our hearts that day when I told her I was leaving. I was young. I made the right decision for me, but the wrong decision for us. I’ve poured my soul into my music, but I’ve never forgotten her. Her smell, her smile. 
And now I’m going back. 
After ten years. 
I hope I can explain that after all this time. 
I still want her to be my forever girl.

The title of this book is perfect for the story. I really loved how Heidi McLaughlin kept referencing forever and “my girl” throughout the book. It was really sweet. This is one of those realistic love stories that you can actually picture happening. It wasn’t rushed at all. In fact it was over 10 years in the making. Forever My Girl was precious. 

I should state for the record that I would have been beyond pissed if Liam did what he did to Josie before the book even started. Simplified version is that he just up and left her without any good reason. but Forever my Girl deals with the aftermath 10 years down the road from that choice. I liked Liam. I really did. And even though I understood his need to take things slow to make sure it was what Josie wanted, I kind of wanted him to fight for her a littler earlier on. I liked the idea of them together, and it is obvious that they bought wanted it. Noah is beyond adorable. I really enjoyed watching Liam interact with him. 

As sweet as this book was there were sad and angry moments for me as well. There is a pretty big tragedy that takes place and it broke my heart. There is also one character named Sam that I pretty much hated on sight, but I’m sure that I am not the only one that feels this way about that crazy lady. 

Josie is a pretty realistic person, which was one of my favorite things about her. She was logical and didn’t let her emotions rule her- most of the time. It was refreshing. She certainly didn’t go easy on Liam when he showed up in town. Forever my Girl is a well developed story. It has a few flow moments in the middle but it progresses nicely. And I am really excited to read the next book in the series, because I think it is going to be about Harrison and although he appearance in this book was short, he really grew on me. 

3/5 Gavels
 The first 200 people to purchase FOREVER MY GIRL will get a free download of the song PAINKILLERS! Just e-mail your proof of purchase to thebeaumontseries@gmail [dot] com.

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Michelle @ Book Briefs

12 Responses to “{Review+G!veaway} Forever my Girl by Heidi McLaughlin”

  1. Denice Mae Cordero

    I fell in love with the cover on first sight… I get the impression that somehow the story is kinda sad… And you said that there was a tragedy… Wonder what that is…

    Thank you for this chance!!! Happy Holidays!!! =)

  2. Mimi

    This is a good review, but I will disagree with you. I would have given it at least 4 starts. I thought it was so great. I only had one small concern about Nick, towards the end, but I don’t want to post any spoilers. But great book and review.

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