Review- Piper’s Fury

June 8, 2011 Reviews 1

Paperback, 288 pages
Published March 22nd 2011 by Crescent Moon Press
Age Group: Adult
Source: Author

Summary (from Goodreads)

It’s an empath thing…

Using your “powers” to help the Dark Hills Police Department hunt down serial killers doesn’t leave much time for dating. Not that Piper Anast is complaining. The last thing she needs is some guy brushing up against her and pumping his pornographic thoughts into her head.

When she meets Bennett Slade, a sexy, tormented vampire, Piper stumbles headlong into a telepathic connection with his missing daughter. She can’t leave the kid to the evil surrounding her unwanted visions, nor can she resist her draw to Slade. He’s the first guy she’s been able to touch vision-free in, well, forever.
As she and Slade close in on the evil creature holding his daughter, Piper’s powers morph into a deadly fury. To save Slade’s daughter-and herself-Piper must face down demons she never knew she had and trust the one thing she keeps from everyone.

Her heart.

 My Review: 

Wow! This book grabbed me right away and did not release its hold until I had devoured it in one night. I seriously could not put this book down! It was that good! Piper is awesome, and feisty and strong and everything I like my girl main characters to be.

The concept of this book was so original. If you like True blood, you will love this book. It reminded me of true blood, but different, and dare I say it- better. This book is so fast paced, it has you moving right along from one thing to the next and it never gives you a second to get bored or tired. Everything in Piper’s Fury is really interesting. I was so into this book that I just had to know what was going to happen next. Most of the time when I am reading a book, i’ll come to a certain page or part and think, “ok this is a good place to stop reading”. I couldn’t find that here, I just HAD to keep reading. And as much as I love Piper, I give most of the credit to Slade. He just had some quality about him that I loved reading about. I loved finding out tidbits of information about him and I love how strong his emotions are. He is passionate. Most of the time vampires are depicted so separate from humanity and I loved that Slade seemed to be so connected with his human side. Oh, and yea there is also the teensy, tiny little fact that Slade is HOT! I mean really hot, I loved the effect that he has on everyone- heck he was having that effect on me too! Even his name is hot.

So talking about Slade’s hotness, I also wanted to mention how much I loved the development of Piper and Slade’s relationship. It was awesome that even though Piper is so guarded, she could not maintain her guard around him. He calmed her, which is just so sweet and perfect. And then you get to the passionate part of their relationship… And let’s just say it was HOT! (bet you didn’t see that word choice coming) But honestly, that is really the only way to describe it. I cannot see how they are going to handle being friends in the next book. Something tells me that will not last too long. At least I hope it doesn’t.

The ending of this book killed me. What a way to end it, now I totally do not want to have to wait for the next book to come out! I need to know what is going to happen right now! The cliffhanger sets up what I’m sure is going to be such an amazing second installment, and I can’t wait to read it!

A word of warning about this book though- it is addicting, so I would suggest not reading it on a day where you have anything too important to do because you will not be able to put it down. Amazing book, one of my favorites this year!

5/5 Gavels! 

You can get Rachel’s book, Piper’s Fury, on Amazon. Click Here.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

One Response to “Review- Piper’s Fury”

  1. alanarose

    Oh, I’m so glad you loved it. Seriously sweet review. I’m honored that you likened it to True Blood. My fave show ever! 🙂 Thanks again!~Rachel Firasek

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