{Review} The Last Faerie Queen by @Chelsea_Pitcher @fluxbooks

Posted December 14, 2015 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews, Young Adult / 1 Comment

{Review} The Last Faerie Queen by @Chelsea_Pitcher @fluxbooksThe Last Faerie Queen by Chelsea Pitcher
Pages: 408
Published by flux on November 8, 2015
Series: The Last Changeling #2
Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Source: Paperback ARC from Publisher


After risking her life in the mortal world, the faerie princess Elora returns home to incite a revolution. Allied with the Bright Queen, Elora rallies her people for a battle aimed at overthrowing her mother, the Dark Queen. While some question their ability to win, Elora senses victory, knowing she has a secret weapon: Taylor, the human boy she loves, and a motley crew of his school friends, each armed with a skill that can turn the tide of the coming battle.


But then Elora's supporters in the Dark Court turn on her, believing she has forsaken them in favor of humans. When the Dark Queen kidnaps two of her human friends, Elora must mount a daring rescue mission to free them before her mother offers them up as a sacrifice.

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
Also in this series: The Last Changeling

YA Review

My Thoughts

The Last Faerie Queen by Chelsea Pitcher, is the sequel to The Last Changeling. In fact, I believe that this is a duology, which means it is the sequel and conclusion to the Last Changeling series. I believe the series name for this one has changed. Last year I had the series marked down as The Faerie Revolution, but now when I check goodreads it comes up as The Last Changeling series. I absolutely loved The Last Changeling, so I was super super excited for The Last Faerie Queen to come out. I loved The Last Changeling a little more, but it was a close battle.

The Last Faerie Queen picks up with where the last book leaves off and you absolutely must read them together. I,. myself was a little lost because a year had been between my reading of books 1 and 2. If possible, read these two book back to back for maximum enjoyment. 😉 Chelsea Pitcher certainly kept me on the edge of my seat while reading. I had no idea which direction she was going to take the story in. At the start, so much was open ended that it could have gone in any number of different plot paths, and I loved that. It made reading The Last Faerie Queen very exciting.

Elora and Taylor and the whole gang are back to wrap up the battle that was started in the first book. The Last Faerie Queen is full of action, intrigue, romance and adventure. Elora is trapped in the middle of a war, both a prisoner and an active participant. She is an enigma, and I loved watching her grow as a faerie and person, and watching her wage war within herself. Being around Taylor and his friends was a great aid to her personal growth, just like it was in the first book. She came even more into her own in this novel.

This series is a pleasure to read. I don’t know how else to say it. The pacing of this book is great and the words just seem to flow from the pages.If you like Fae stories and are a fan of paranormal romance, The Last Changeling Duology is a great one for you to check out. I thought the ending did a great job wrapping things up but I would be more than happy to see the characters come back for a book 3. At this time, however, I do believe it is slated to be a duololgy.


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@BookBriefs #Review The Last Faerie Queen by @Chelsea_Pitcher @fluxbooks #YA #ParanormalRomance Share on X


One response to “{Review} The Last Faerie Queen by @Chelsea_Pitcher @fluxbooks

  1. Rebecca

    Hmm, I think I’ve heard of this author before, but not this book. Regardless, glad to hear you enjoyed it. Fairie books don’t tend to interest me, but this looks rather interesting.

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