{Review+Giveaway} The Requiem Red by Brynn Chapman @rrsmythe @Month9Books

{Review+Giveaway} The Requiem Red by Brynn Chapman @rrsmythe @Month9Books

The Requiem Red is the first in a new, young adult series by Brynn Chapman. The Requiem Red is a fantasy/horror/suspense/historical story, and that is a mix of genres that really works well for me. I enjoyed this story a lot, and it left me pretty desperately wanting the next book. Brynn Chapman clearly excels […]

{ARC Review+Interview+Giveaway} Nightstruck by @JennaBlack @torteen

{ARC Review+Interview+Giveaway} Nightstruck by @JennaBlack @torteen

Describe Nightstruck in a tweet. (140 characters or less) Ordinary teenage girl tricked into opening gate to a malevolent world that takes over Philadelphia every night. What is something we would be surprised to learn about Becket? Becket knows how to fire a gun. She figured it would be “lame” not to be able to […]

{ARC Review+Giveaway} The Matchmaker’s Playbook by Rachel Van Dyken @RachVD

{ARC Review+Giveaway} The Matchmaker’s Playbook by Rachel Van Dyken @RachVD

The Matchmaker’s Playbook is the first book in a new adult contemporary romance series, called Wingmen Inc., by Rachel Van Dyken. As the title and series name suggests, the story centers around two college friends that have a side business where they set up women with their crushes. The whole book had a very Hitch […]

{ARC Review+Giveaway} The Natural History of Us by @RachelHarrisBks @SpencerHillP @InkSlingerPR

{ARC Review+Giveaway} The Natural History of Us  by @RachelHarrisBks @SpencerHillP @InkSlingerPR

The Natural History of Us is the second book in the young adult contemporary romance series, The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel Harris. Each of the books back be read as standalones, and they are each told in dual narrative between the book’s main couple. The Natural History of Us features Justin and Peyton. […]