{Review+Giveaway} Don’t Get Caught by @KurtDinan @SourcebooksFire

Posted April 7, 2016 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews, Young Adult / 9 Comments

{Review+Giveaway} Don’t Get Caught by @KurtDinan @SourcebooksFireDon't Get Caught by Kurt Dinan
Pages: 340
Published by Sourcebooks on April 1, 2016
Genres: Young Adult, contemporary, Humor
Source: Paperback ARC from Publisher

10:00 tonight at the water tower. Tell no one. -Chaos Club

When Max receives a mysterious invite from the untraceable, epic prank-pulling Chaos Club, he has to ask: why him? After all, he's Mr. 2.5 GPA, Mr. No Social Life. He's Just Max. And his favorite heist movies have taught him this situation calls for Rule #4: Be suspicious.

But it's also his one shot to leave Just Max in the dust...

Yeah, not so much. Max and four fellow students-who also received invites-are standing on the newly defaced water tower when campus security "catches" them. Definitely a setup. And this time, Max has had enough. It's time for Rule #7: Always get payback.

Let the prank war begin.


YA ReviewMy ThoughtsDon’t Get Caught is a hilarious young adult book by Kurt Dinan. I am not exaggerating AT ALL when I say that my face was literally sore from all of the smiling and laughing I did while reading Don’t Get Caught. (I’m not sure what that says about my face muscles. Maybe I need to be smiling more to work them out. I do suffer from Resting B Face..but I digress.) The point I am trying to make is Don’t Get Caught is the most fun I have had reading a book in a long time. It is just screaming to get made into a movie. I would watch it over and over again.

There are so many things that I just loved about Don’t Get Caught, but the main one is how I think this book will appeal to such a wide audience. I think readers old and young will laugh and love Max’s story, and I think both guys and girls are perfect target audiences for this tale. it is hard to deny just how fun this book is. I love a young adult book with a male protagonist, and Max is every bit as silly and mischievous as I wanted him to be. Him and the rest of the water tower five lived up to all of my expectations.

The book is told in a series of “heist rules”. I loved that. They ranged anywhere from “Rule #3- If questioned, be evasive” to “Rule #7- always get payback” to the obvious- DON’T GET CAUGHT. The ending left open the possibility for a sequel, and I for one and really, really, really hoping that we get one. Come on Kurt Dinan, please don’t let us down. My face needs another laugh workout. (you can hold the cure for Resting B***h Face!)

Bottom line: Don’t get Caught is pure fun. If this description from the summary makes you say “yes!”, then you will love Don’t Get Caught: “Oceans 11 meets The Breakfast Club in this entertaining, fast-paced debut filled with pranks and cons that will keep readers on their toes, never sure who’s pulling the strings or what’s coming next.

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About Kurt Dinan

Kurt Dinan has taught high school English for over twenty-one years, and while he’s never pulled any of the pranks detailed in this novel, he was once almost arrested in college for blizzarding the campus with fliers promoting a fake concert. He lives and works in the suburbs of Cincinnati with his wife and his four children he affectionately refers to as “the Crime Spree.” Don’t Get Caught is his first novel.


9 responses to “{Review+Giveaway} Don’t Get Caught by @KurtDinan @SourcebooksFire

  1. Nissa

    When I was in High School we pulled off the ultimate prank by getting a bunch of beach balls on graduation day and throwing the balls around to each other. The teachers were not very pleased at all but we pulled off the ultimate prank and it is all on video!

  2. Kaitlyn A.

    Before I was in high school, I had heard of seniors that has put all the desks on the roof of the school building and also filled the building with raw shrimp or fish (can’t remember which one). If I remember correctly, they had to close that building down for a few days to get rid of the smell lol

  3. sam

    I worked in a high school for 10 years, and saw/heard about some funny ones. One year, the seniors filled all the main hallways with balloons. Another year, they covered a full hallway in sticky notes, created a beach volley ball court on the front lawn, stacked old furniture in front of the entry to the teachers’ parking lot, created a tent village on the main lawn. The list goes on and on.

  4. Kristina Oden

    When I was in high school we had a wonderful psychology teacher. For our high school prank we, along with the autoshop kids, took his VW bus and hoisted it into a tree. Bwahaha. Took forever for them to get it down.

  5. william gossage

    When i was young kid bunch of high school boys put a outhouse on top of the high school building

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