{Guest Post+Giveaway} The Asset by Anna Del Mar

March 2, 2016 Adult, Blog Tours, Giveaways, Guest Post 1

{Guest Post+Giveaway} The Asset by Anna Del Mar

{Guest Post+Giveaway} The Asset by Anna Del MarThe Asset by Anna del Mar
Published by Carina Press on February 22, 2016
Series: Wounded Warrior #1
Genres: adult, contemporary, Romance, Suspense

Anna del Mar’s explosive, sexy debut novel in the Wounded Warrior series, perfect for fans of Lisa Marie Rice and Lora Leigh—the story of a woman desperate to escape her dangerous past and the navy SEAL who would lay down his life to save her.

Ash Hunter knows what it is to run. A SEAL gravely injured in Afghanistan, he’s gone AWOL from the military hospital. Physically and mentally scarred, he returns home to his grandmother’s isolated cottage—and finds a beautiful, haunted stranger inside.
Like recognizes like.

Lia Stewart’s in hiding from the cartel she barely escaped alive, holed up in this small Rocky Mountain town. Surviving, but only just. Helping the wounded warrior on her doorstep is the right thing to do…it’s loving him that might get them both killed.

Soon, Ash realizes he’s not the only one tormented by the past. Pushing the limits of his broken body, testing the boundaries of her shattered soul, he’ll protect Lia until his last breath.

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
Also in this series: The Asset

guest postToday I have author, Anna Del Mar here to talk about 6 things you didn’t know about the Heros in The Asset! I am super excited for this post because I absolutely LOVED The Asset. (You can check out my review HERE)

Let’s get to it!


Top Six Things You Didn’t Know About The Asset’s Heroes

I’m thrilled to celebrate the launch of my debut Wounded Warrior series, a collection of hot, smart romances about strong heroines struggling to find their place in the world and the brave, kickass, military heroes who challenge their limits to protect the women they love. In The Asset, the series’ first novel, we meet Ash Hunter, a Navy SEAL wounded in Afghanistan who’s struggling to overcome his injuries when he finds himself staring down the barrel of Lia Stuart’s shotgun.

Lia is a fugitive desperately trying to escape her terrifying past. She may not be a SEAL and she’s definitively keeping secrets, but Ash recognizes her for who she really is: a fighter and a survivor, the kind, caring, passionate woman he could love, if only she wasn’t so afraid to let him. When she risks her cover to help him, Ash commits to a new mission: He will lay down his life to save hers.

The Asset is all romance and suspense. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but here are the top six things you didn’t know about Ash and Lia as The Asset begins:

  1. Ash might be wounded, but he’s by no means out of the game. He’s got the skills, training and experience that allow him to discover Lia’s secrets. This wounded warrior is about to kick some ass.
  1. Lia didn’t fight in Afghanistan like Ash did, but she too suffers from PTSD. She’s a wounded warrior herself and yet she’s also a survivor. She’s fighting for her life and freedom and she’s managed to keep herself alive in the face of some piss poor odds. She doesn’t need anybody’s help, thank you very much.
  1. There’s a lot more to Ash than meets the eye. He has access to resources Lia could only dream of and he won’t hesitate to use them. Now, if he could only win Lia’s trust, he’d clear the path to her heart.
  1. Lia has suffered a lot of losses in her life. Everyone she’s loved has been taken from her. She’s afraid to love Ash. She worries that if she allows herself to fall for Ash, he too will die. And his death is not something she can survive.
  1. Lia’s enemy is cunning, powerful and ruthless, but Ash is devious too and he has a plan, a plan that only a highly trained SEAL like him can execute to perfection, if only he can get around Lia’s objections.
  1. Lia would rather die than see Ash hurt. And she will do so if it means Ash’s life. From him, she’s learned courage and hope. For a chance to love Ash, she will stop running, face her worst fears and fight.

Seriously, if this isn’t enough to make you want to read this story, check out my review, because it is really, really that good. (The Asset, not my review. Although I like that as well. :p )

GiveawayTo enter, fill out the rafflecopter below to win.

Thanks to the team at Harlequin and Carina Press, one lucky winner will receive the following:
$25 Amazon Gift Card
eCopy of  The Asset

Note: Book Briefs Contest Policy applies.  All of the prizes, terms and conditions of the giveaway should be contained in the rafflecopter below. No Purchase necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law.

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About Anna del Mar

Anna del Mar writes hot, smart romances that soothe the soul, challenge the mind, and satisfy the heart. Her stories focus on strong heroines struggling to find their place in the world and the brave, sexy, kickass, military heroes who defy the limits of their broken bodies to protect the women they love. She is the author of The Asset (Carina Press), the first novel of her Wounded Warrior series and three other novels scheduled for release during 2016.

A Georgetown University graduate, Anna enjoys traveling, hiking, skiing, and the sea. Writing is her addiction, her drug of choice, and what she wants to do all the time. The extraordinary men and women she met during her years as a Navy wife inspire the fabulous heroes and heroines at the center of her stories. When she stays put—which doesn’t happen very often—she lives in Florida with her indulgent husband and two very opinionated cats.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

One Response to “{Guest Post+Giveaway} The Asset by Anna Del Mar”

  1. Anna del Mar

    Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for having me as a guest blogger in Book Briefs. I really enjoyed writing this post for your readers. And thanks for recommending The Asset. You made my day!

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