{Review+Giveaway} Hearts, Strings, and Other Breakable Things by Jacqueline Firkins

{Review+Giveaway} Hearts, Strings, and Other Breakable Things by Jacqueline Firkins

Hearts, Strings, and Other Breakable Things is a young adult contemporary romance by Jacqueline Firkins. This book was so stinking cute. I absolutely loved it! it is a retelling of Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. I have read almost all of Austen’s books, but Mansfield Park is one that has escaped my attention. Regardless of […]

{Excerpt+Playlist+Giveaway} Starlight by P.S. Malcolm

Starlight P.S. Malcolm (Starlight Chronicles) Published by: Parliament House Publication date: December 10th 2019 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult A treaty upholds the peaceful lands of Ersarence— who have suffered from the spilt blood of their humble goddess, Titania, which stains the hands of the ruthless Urenphians. Julian Rancewood— a small town delivery boy— wishes he […]

Posted December 11, 2019 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in excerpt, Giveaways, Young Adult / 1 Comment