{Review} Chasing Rabbits by @Erin_Bedford

Posted October 28, 2016 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in New Adult, Reviews / 1 Comment

{Review} Chasing Rabbits by @Erin_BedfordChasing Rabbits by Erin R. Bedford
Pages: 324
Published by Smashwords on September 1, 2016
Series: The Underground #1
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Fantasy & Magic
Source: ecopy from Author

Alice was wrong. Wonderland wasn’t so wonderful after all.

Kat never expected to be back in her hometown, but when house sitting turns into a mad rabbit chase, Kat finds herself with a whole new set of problems.

A two-headed bird with a Game of Thrones obsession, a party full of tea addicts, and a Cheshire Cat who could seduce the pants off her grandma? And if the citizens weren’t bad enough their prince was off his rocker.

This wasn’t your run of the mill Wonderland. This was the Fae world, where rules are rules, and some things are exactly as they seem.

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.

NA ReviewMy ThoughtsChasing Rabbits is the first book in The Underground series by Erin R. Bedford. The Underground series is a new adult fantasy romance that is a really cool take on Wonderland. Think Alice in Wonderland, mixed with the Fae. Wonderland is really called the Underground and it composed of shadowlands, inbetweens and both the seelie and unseelie courts. I absolutely delighted in Erin Bedford’s take on the story. I thought it maintained the perfect craziness of Wonderland, which mixing in perfectly suited Fae fantasy elements. I think it is the perfect marriage actually. I loved this book, and I have already started read the second one. I couldn’t help myself. I needed more!

The main character of Chasing Rabbits is Katherine. A young woman who stumbles into Wonderland chasing a rabbit. Sound familiar? Well, trust me, she is no Alice and though the characters might seem similar this is not the same tale of Alice in Wonderland you are used to. However; lots of my favorite elements were there. I loved the whole cast of characters and creatures. I loved Chess and Mop and Tripp. But what I loved most of all is that this if really a story about Fae, and the Fae worlds. Seeing that inserted into a wonderland like setting was really really cool. I can’t get enough of this series. It is shaping up to be one of my favorites.

There is one big twist in Chasing Rabbits, and then one smaller twist (at least I thought it was a surprise twist.) Here is the thing, I saw the big twist coming almost from the very start of the story. I didn’t know how it was going to happen but I was very right about what was going to happen. But the smaller twist smacked me right in the middle of the eyes and I still didn’t even see it until I started the second book! (and if you have read the books, you probably know what I am talking it. It made me want to go back and re-read the whole story just to see certain scenes and see if I could gain any new information now that I knew the secret.)

Bottom line: If you are a wonderland fanatic, and a fan of Fae stories you must drop everything right now, and grab a copy of Chasing Rabbits. grab a copy of book two, Chasing Cats while you are at it, because once you start reading the Underground series, you are not going to want to stop. This is a wonderful fantasy. (and I am really loving Chasing Cats as well!)


Ever wonder what Wonderland would be like if the Fae ruled it? Check out Chasing Rabbits by @Erin_Bedford #TheUnderground @BookBriefs #Favorite #Review Share on X


About Erin R. Bedford

Erin Bedford is a new fantasy romance author, a computer programmer by day, and a hobby hoarder.

Creating fantastical worlds have always been a secret passion of hers and she couldn’t imagine writing any story without some kind of lovey-dovey or smexy goodness in it.

Join her mailing list to get all the latest on her new releases, giveaways, and ARCs!


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