Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Events I want to attend!

Happy Tuesday! Today I’ve decided to start participating in Top Ten Tuesday, formerly hosted by Jamie at The Broke and the Bookish, now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. For upcoming topics, and more information on Top Ten Tuesday, visit Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s topic is: Bookish Events I want to attend! this week’s topic was […]

Posted July 21, 2020 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Uncategorized / 11 Comments

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Last Chance Summer by Shannon Klare

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Last Chance Summer by Shannon Klare

Last Chance Summer is a young adult contemporary romance by Shannon Klare. I really enjoyed Last Chance Summer. It wasn’t initially as lighthearted as I thought it would be. There were certainly some deeper /darker topics explored like grief and loss, but the balance between summer romance and those topics was handled really well. Overall, […]

{Review} The Invention of Sophie Carter by Samantha Hastings @HastingSamantha @SwoonReads

{Review} The Invention of Sophie Carter by Samantha Hastings @HastingSamantha @SwoonReads

The Invention of Sophie Carter is a young adult victorian era romance by Samantha Hastings. This novel was utterly adorable and completely lovable. It felt like a Victorian era parent trap, which was a ton of fun. Swoon Reads somehow manages to always pick the perfect books and perfect authors to release feel good romances […]

{Guest Post+Giveaway} Our Friendship Matters by Kimberley B. Jones

{Guest Post+Giveaway} Our Friendship Matters by Kimberley B. Jones

Today we have author Kimberley B. Jones here to share her insight and steps to creating and maintaining a biracial friendship. It is so important to have these conversations with young adults. For more discussion of this theme and topic, be sure to check out Kimberley’s book- Our Friendship Matters, which comes out later this […]

{Review+Giveaway} The Princess Will Save You by Sarah Henning

{Review+Giveaway} The Princess Will Save You by Sarah Henning

The Princess Will Save You is a young adult fantasy romance by Sarah Henning. The Princess Will Save You is based on a gender swapping re-imagining of The Princess Bride, which is an absolutely fantastic and classic movie. If you have not yet watched The Princess Bride, you need to watch it immediately. Knowing it […]