1. Book Expo (USA)
I feel like this is a given! Every single year I have extreme book nerd envy that I have not be to BEA…maybe one day….
Any event that is specifally YA centric is an event that I know I would love. I have wanted to go to YALLFEST/YALLWEST for so long now. I hope I can make it happen some day
3. Paris Book Festival (France)
I love the idea of book festivals around the world and Paris seems like such a romantic spot to have a book festival. I would love to go back there and book out!
4. YALC (England)
British Young Adult book conference! Yes please! PLus, this one is hosted by London Film and Comic Con…so yes! Sign me up!
5. Edinburgh International Book Festival (Scotland)
I have never been to Scotland, so this is must visit for me!
6. Texas Book Festival (USA)
This looks like a huge festival. Plus, I have never been to Texas and I would love to visit.
7. The Library of Congress National Book Festival (USA)
The history nerd in me is totally geeking out at the idea of this festival!
8. ALA (USA)
I have gone to ALA midwinter once in the past when it was in Orlando and it was so much fun! I would love to go to the summer event at some point, because I have heard it is even bigger than the midwinter!
9. International Agatha Christie Festival (UK)
This sounds like a huge murder mystery party….and like so so much fun!!
10. Fandomfest (USA)
This is a pop culture lover’s dream! There are tons of different tv, movie and book fandom’s celebrated here and I think I need to go!
Upcoming Top Ten Tuesday Topics:
July 28: Freebie (This week you get to come up with your own TTT topic!)
August 4: Books with Colors In the Titles
August 11: Books I Loved but Never Reviewed
August 18: Books that Should be Adapted into Netflix Shows/Movies (submitted by Nushu @ Not A Prima Donna Girl)
August 25: Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors (Living or dead. You can post 10 questions for one author, one question each for 10 different authors, or anything else!)
September 1: Books that Make Me Hungry (They could have food items on the cover, foods in the title, be about foodies or have food as a main plot point… they could be cookbooks or memoirs, etc.)
September 8: Books for My Younger Self (These could be books you wish you had read as a child, books younger you could have really learned something from, books that meshed with your hobbies/interests, books that could have helped you go through events/changes in your life, etc.)
September 15: Cover Freebie (choose your own topic, centered on book covers or cover art)
September 22: Books On My Fall 2020 TBR (or spring if you live in the southern hemisphere)
September 29: Favorite Book Quotes (these could be quotes from books you love, or bookish quotes in general)
Would you like to suggest a topic for a future TTT? Fill out this form!
The Edinburgh International Book Festival sounds super fun!
My TTT .
The Paris Book Festival is a brilliant idea! Then you get to go to Paris! And visit Shakespeare & Co. Great list!
My TTT: https://mamaneedsabook.blogspot.com/2020/07/book-festivals-of-my-dreams.html
I haven’t been to any of those yet, just RT back in the day and local group author signings. But I hope to go to Apollycon some year *fingers crossed*!
I really want to attend the Agatha Christie festival, it sounds so cool.
The only book festival I’ve ever been to is the National Book Festival in D.C. The crowds were INSANE, but it was fun. While there, we also visited the Library of Congress. It’s gorgeous! Such a cool, bookish place to be.
Happy TTT!
I wish I was rich so I could just travel the world going to book festivals, haha. There are so many that sound incredible
One day I’d love to go to BookExpo. 🙂
Lauren @ Always Me
Great list! I love the sound of Texas Book Festival.
Great list. BookExpo sounds fun. Here is my TTT.
i hope you get to visit at least some of them.
sherry @ fundinmental
I never realized how many bookish events there were! I mean, obviously, I knew there’d be a few but ahh this weeks topic is so cool. I hope someday you get to attend these events and that they are just as magical as you’ve always hoped!