Review- Switched by Amanda Hocking

Switched (A Trylle Novel #1) by Amanda Hocking Paperback, 304 pages Published July 12th 2010 by CreateSpace Age Group: YA Source: bought Buy this Book: Amazon Summary (from Goodreads) When Wendy Everly was six-years-old, her mother was convinced she was a monster and tried to kill her. It isn’t until eleven years later that Wendy […]

Posted August 17, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews / 6 Comments

Ask me anything! Well, I did not know that this would become a post on my blog, but while it is I will let you guys know what formspirng is. (in case you didn’t know) Formspring is a site where you can follow and ask people questions, either anonymously or signed.  I like answering […]

Posted August 13, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Cool book website- FictFact!

When I was looking at I’m Loving Books beautiful blog (which you all should check out), I saw that she mentioned she uses FictFact to follow and track her series. So I decided to see what it was all about. I am a die hard goodreads fan. I love how goodreads is set up and […]

Posted August 12, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in / 0 Comments

Follow Friday (4)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee’s View and Alison can Read. If you are new to the #FF fun, Follow Friday is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers. First you leave your name on Parajunkee’s site, then you create a post on your own blog that links […]

Posted August 12, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in follow friday / 5 Comments

Review- Abandon by Meg Cabot

Abandon by Meg Cabot Hardcover, 304 pages Published April 26th 2011 by Point  Age Group: YA Source: Bought Buy this Book: Amazon Summary (from Goodreads) Though she tries returning to the life she knew before the accident, Pierce can’t help but feel at once a part of this world, and apart from it. Yet she’s […]

Posted August 8, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews / 20 Comments

Book Blogger Appreciation Week!

It’s almost time for Book Blogger Appreciation Week!  I have been blogging for about 6 months so I was not a blogger for the last one, but I was an avid observer. I just remember thinking- this is such an awesome idea! I love that we are recognizing other great book bloggers and letting them […]

Posted August 7, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in / 0 Comments

Review- Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White Hardcover, US, 335 pages Published August 31st 2010 by HarperTeen  Age Group: YA Source: Bought Buy this Book: Amazon Summary (from Goodreads) Weird as it is working for the International Paranormal Containment Agency, Evie’s always thought of herself as normal. Sure, her best friend is a mermaid, her ex-boyfriend is a […]

Posted August 6, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews / 7 Comments

Oxford is almost over!

I can’t believe my time in Oxford is ending. These past 5 weeks have flown by! I am already done with my classes and starting on Monday, I have finals. Eeek! Oxford is amazing, and there is so much to see and do. There was not enough time for it all. When I get back […]

Posted August 6, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in update / 0 Comments