Cool book website- FictFact!

August 12, 2011 Uncategorized 0

When I was looking at I’m Loving Books beautiful blog (which you all should check out), I saw that she mentioned she uses FictFact to follow and track her series. So I decided to see what it was all about. I am a die hard goodreads fan. I love how goodreads is set up and it is my hands down favorite book website that I have found. So I was not expecting to be that impressed by FictFact. 
I am very pleased to say I was wrong! FictFact is very user friendly and it is a good source for up to date book news. I like that you can track your progress of all your series and it will tell you what the next book in the series is and whether you are current on that series or not. 
You can also follow people and see which series they are reading, as well as update your TBR pile and let others know what books you are going to be reading next. They also let you create lists to organize your books in unlimited ways. It is a pretty cool site, but I do not know many people using it yet. 
Check out the site and let me know what you think! Also follow my page and I will follow you back. You can find my profile link down below or on the left side of my blog under “follow me”
Site link:

My profile: FictFact Profile

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below. Hope to see you at Ficfact!

Michelle @ Book Briefs

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