{Excerpt} Miss Fortune Cookie by Lauren Bjorkman

Miss Fortune Cookie by Lauren Bjorkman           Age Group: YA Expected publication: November 13th 2012 by Henry Holt and Co. Meet Erin. Smart student, great daughter, better friend. Secretly the mastermind behind the popular advice blog Miss Fortune Cookie. Totally unaware that her carefully constructed life is about to get crazy. It all […]

Posted November 17, 2012 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in excerpt / 1 Comment

{Blog Tour} Hickey of the Beast by Isabel Kunkle

Welcome to my stop on the Hickey of the Beast blog tour. I just think this book looks like a blast! Hickey of the Beast by Isabel Kunkle Genre: YA / Fantasy Publisher: Candlemark & Gleam Number of pages: 272 Cover Artist: Kate Sullivan  Buy the Book: Candlemark and Gleam  / Barnes and Noble / Amazon   Book Description: Connie thought freshman […]

Posted November 16, 2012 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

{Review+G!veaway} The Warlock’s Curse by M. K. Hobson

Welcome to my stop on The Warlock’s Curse blog tour! The Warlock’s Curse by M.K. Hobson Paperback, 390 pages Published October 31st 2012 by Demimonde Age Group: New Adult Source: ecopy from author Series: Veneficas Americana #3 Buy this Book: Amazon Summary:  THE YEAR IS 1910. Eighteen-year-old Will Edwards has landed a prestigious apprenticeship at Detroit’s Tesla Industries, […]

Posted November 15, 2012 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Giveaways, Reviews / 8 Comments