{Book Review} The Demon Side by Heaven Liegh Eldeen

Posted November 18, 2012 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews / 3 Comments

The Demon Side by Heaven Liegh Eldeen 

ebook228 pages
Published May 25th 2011 by Decadent Publishing
Age Group: YA
Source: ecopy from  Author
Series: The Demon Side #1
Buy this Book:Amazon Kindle


When worlds collide… Every kid has problems. Every kid has even more problems when they move to a new home. But when a kid with problems moves to a new home that has a Demon living inside it—look out! Etta’s world is about to spin out of control when she encounters her new roommate—and Rahovart, that ancient trickster, is in for a few surprises too. So don’t mind all the crashing and rumbling; that’s just the normal noise Angels and Demons make when they’re fighting an epic war in the attic. One thing’s for sure: Etta and Rahovart will have to go through Hell to Heaven and back again before that old Victorian home in Quantico Town finally quiets down…

I have not read a book quite like this one in a while. I really enjoyed how different it was. It was kind of like a haunting mixed in with a love story mixed in with some demon and angel antics. And the ending was unexpected- in a really good way! I’m really glad that I found this book and decided to give it a shot.

Etta is a really sweet character. She is understanding and patient but not a pushover at all. I tend to be a bit of a pushover so I like it when characters don’t take any nonsense. It’s something that I’m working on myself. (I have been getting better about it recently) What I really like is that Etta is still compassionate and sweet but still a little bit of a hard ass. It’s a cool combination.

Rahovart is kind of a strange character. He wasn’t really all that mean for a demon. It was a strange mixture of frustration and indifference. That’s the vibe that I got from him anyway. I liked him. I was not immediately drawn to him. I was lukewarm for almost half of the book, but once Etta started really warming up to him I slowly started coming around. Eventually I became attached to him, but he is not a huge book crush of mine. And I can’t really tell why. He is a good character, he actually turns out to be nice and pretty caring for a demon. But for some reason I could not 100% connect with him. I ended up liking him well enough, and once I learned his backstory I certainly understood him better but something was missing and I don’t know what it was.

The story moves along at a brisk pace and I really appreciated that about it. It’s a pretty short story, so it doesn’t take long to read at all. I enjoyed the writing style and the plot was really interesting. Other than some mysterious disconnect issues with Rahovart, I really liked The Demon Side. Good book!

3.5/5 Gavels

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3 responses to “{Book Review} The Demon Side by Heaven Liegh Eldeen

  1. This – “I tend to be a bit of a pushover so I like it when characters don’t take any nonsense.” is pretty much my life ;).

    I’m not sure if I’ll pick this up, for me if a character is going to be a demon they need to do something (or at least have done something in the past) to be worthy of that title, otherwise they are just a not so nice person.

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