{Excerpt+Author Introduction} Take Back the Skies by Lucy Saxon

{Excerpt+Author Introduction} Take Back the Skies by Lucy Saxon

Chapter 1 Rain fell lazily from charcoal-coloured clouds as Catherine Hunter sprinted through darkening streets, her long hair tied in a tight braid and tucked beneath a black knitted cap. Her thick woollen coat and black work trousers disguised her gender quite nicely. She was practically unrecognisable; only the people who knew her well would […]

{Challenge} #Coyer Summer Vacation

Hosted by  Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun’s  & Michelle @ Because Reading ******** This is my first time participating in COYER and I am just in time for it’s summer vacation bash! Which means, pretty much all of the rules have been thrown out of the window! Almost anything goes! It is basically a huge read-a-thon YOU […]

Posted June 3, 2014 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in event / 5 Comments