{Guest Post+Giveaway} DEATH BY THE RIVER by Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor

Posted October 26, 2018 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, Giveaways, New Adult, Young Adult / 7 Comments

{Guest Post+Giveaway} DEATH BY THE RIVER by Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor

{Guest Post+Giveaway} DEATH BY THE RIVER by Alexandrea Weis and Lucas AstorDeath by the River by Alexandrea Weis, Lucas Astor
Pages: 357
Published by Vesuvian Books on October 2, 2018

Some truths are better kept secret.

Some secrets are better off dead.

Along the banks of the Bogue Falaya River, sits the abandoned St. Francis Seminary. Beneath a canopy of oaks, blocked from prying eyes, the teens of St. Benedict High gather here on Fridays. The rest of the week belongs to school and family—but weekends belong to the river.

And the river belongs to Beau Devereaux.

The only child of a powerful family, Beau can do no wrong. Handsome. Charming. Intelligent. The star quarterback of the football team. The “prince” of St. Benedict is the ultimate catch.

He is also a psychopath.

A dirty family secret buried for years, Beau’s evil grows unchecked. In the shadows of the ruined St. Francis Abbey, he commits unspeakable acts on his victims and ensures their silence with threats and intimidation. Senior year, Beau sets his sights on his girlfriend’s headstrong twin sister, Leslie, who hates him. Everything he wants but cannot have, she will be his ultimate prize.

As the victim toll mounts, it becomes crystal clear that someone has to stop Beau Devereaux.

And that someone will pay with their life.

WARNING: Readers of Death by the River will encounter situations of violence and sexual abuse which could be upsetting.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here ...

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.

10 things you didn’t know about Beau, Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor 


  1. Beau had a happy childhood.
  2. He dislikes the smell of horses.
  3. His first friend in grade school was a girl named Leslie.
  4. He has an Aunt Lydia who prefers to stay away from him.
  5. He remembers his grandfather and how he badly he treated Gage Devereaux.
  6. Beau has broken into his father’s office at the brewery to go through his desk for cash.
  7. His favorite music is rock.
  8. He killed his mother’s dog when he was nine.
  9. He tried to seduce one of his father’s girlfriends.
  10. Beau wrecked his first car, a red BMW, when he wrapped it around a tree on their property.


  1. He trained with the Green Berets.
  2. He survived two car wrecks, two motorcycle crashes, and two wars all by the age of twenty-four.
  3. He went to air assault school, was in the 101st Airborne, and has a combat infantry badge.
  4. He could see “The Love Boat” pass by from where he lived beside the Panama Canal.
  5. He provided protection for a village on a mountaintop that had been attacked by bandits.
  6. He’s been chased by men with machetes.
  7. He’s worked in counter surveillance.
  8. He once frequented bars owned by retired boxer Roberto Duran.
  9. For a time, he stayed at the Presidential Palace in Panama.
  10. Once served with Eric L. Haney, whose book, Inside Delta Force: The Story of America’s Elite Counterterrorist Unit, was the basis for the TV series, “The Unit.”


  1. She has been a vegetarian for 27 years.
  2. She runs several miles a day.
  3. She rescues anything with fur, fins, or feathers.
  4. She has parachuted out of a plane.
  5. She used to run a restaurant in New Orleans.
  6. She was a champion show jumper with rescued racehorses.
  7. She is an ancient history nut.
  8. French fries are her favorite food.
  9. She once lived beside a voodoo priestess in New Orleans.
  10. Having grown up in the motion picture industry as the daughter of a director, titans of literature such as Tennessee Williams would frequent her father’s office.


“… a thrilling psychological work … Catching the current vogue of teen psycho and revenge tales like Bates Motel and 13 Reasons Why … a horrifically brilliant book … Beau Devereaux could have easily been a clichéd psycho, but the plot constructed around him and his development during the novel really shone as a masterpiece of character creation … much in the style of Dexter or Hannibal.” ―K.C. Finn, Multi-Award-Winning Author

“Rare is the story that simmers and rises to a boil so naturally and constantly that the reader manages to be repeatedly shocked … a full-speed rollercoaster that doesn’t slow down until the final page. Employing an evocative setting, powerfully defined characters, and taking along hard look at the darker side of human desire, this novel will catch your breath and hold it until the very end. RECOMMENDED” ―Michael Radon, US Review

“While the authors have written a chilling story here, there’s more to Death by the River than thrills. It’s actually a fascinating study into the effects of good and bad parenting on children. Do it badly and parents, children and society as a whole pay the consequences. This book is not just an exciting read; it’s a sobering one.” ―Viga Boland, Retired high school English teacher and Author of No Tears for my Father: Viga’s true story of incest 

“While the story follows compelling characters, it also plunges readers into an intriguing setting. It is ironical that the horrors are taking place along the river that runs so close to a seminary, an establishment that should evoke a powerful sense of God and reverence for life. The characters are sophisticated and readers will learn to honestly hate the villain of the story — he is well imagined and developed with skill. In a subtle way, the authors allow his crooked mind to reveal itself. Like most serial killers, he is a charmer and an intelligent young man, but beneath the cool surface is a cauldron of simmering evil. Weis and Astor have written a riveting crime tale with strong psychological underpinnings. Death by the River is ingeniously plotted, written in gorgeous prose, and featuring a strong conflict that propels the narrative forward. The suspense intensifies as the story moves on, with the reader always feeling as though something awful could happen at any moment, and this feeling grows in intensity until the explosive climax. A real thriller!” ―Romuald Dzemo, Readers’ Favorite

“A suspense-filled thriller steeped in equal parts atmosphere, insanity, and revenge.” ―Mary Ting, Award-Winning Author of ISAN: International Sensory Assassin Network

Weis and Astor have created something so dark, edgy, and gritty, it will stay with you long after you close the book.” ―Julieanne Lynch, Dragon Award Finalist: Horror (2018)

“… a crime thriller that pulls readers into the twisted mind of the protagonist and holds them engaged till the exhilarating finish. The writing is flawless … Death by the River is psychologically engaging, emotionally rich, and utterly absorbing.” ―Christian Sia


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Alexandrea Weis, RN-CS, CRRN, ONC, PhD, is a multi award-winning author of over twenty-five novels, a screenwriter, ICU Nurse, and historian who was born and raised in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Having grown up in the motion picture industry as the daughter of a director, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective and began writing at the age of eight. Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story moving and memorable. A permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Weis rescues orphaned and injured animals. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans. Weis writes paranormal, suspense, thrillers, horror, crime fiction, and romance.

Lucas Astor, Lucas Astor is from New York, has resided in Central America and the Middle East, and traveled through Europe. He lives a very private, virtually reclusive lifestyle, preferring to spend time with a close-knit group of friends than be in the spotlight. He is an author and poet with a penchant for telling stories that delve into the dark side of the human psyche. He likes to explore the evil that exists, not just in the world, but right next door behind a smiling face.

Weis and Astor’s first collaboration was the multi-award-winning Magnus Blackwell Series.

WEBSITE: http://www.alexandreaweis.com/
TWITTER: @alexandreaweis  
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1211671.Alexandrea_Weis
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/authoralexandreaweis/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/alexandreaweis/


7 responses to “{Guest Post+Giveaway} DEATH BY THE RIVER by Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor

  1. Janie McGaugh

    I’d choose the time we currently live in. I like living in a time with all of our technological and medical advantages.

  2. Victoria Alexander

    Awesome question. I would go back to the 1940’s, with the music of the time I would’ve loved to see some of the greats!!

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