Genre: Law & Crime

{Interview+Giveaway} Watched by CJ Lyons @SourcebooksFire

{Interview+Giveaway} Watched by CJ Lyons @SourcebooksFire

Describe Watched in a tweet (140 characters or less) CJ: Teens blackmailed by cyberpredator with no hope of fighting back–unless they fight together What are some of your favorite thrillers? CJ: Too many to count! But two of my favorites feature teens who become empowered through their struggles: John Hart’s Last Child and Elizabeth Wein’s […]

{Review+Guest Post+Giveaway} Cold Fury by T.M. Goeglein @TMGoeglein

{Review+Guest Post+Giveaway} Cold Fury by T.M. Goeglein @TMGoeglein

5 Tips for Becoming a Better Writer Ted Goeglein Let’s start with the most basic premise—a person can’t become a writer if she doesn’t write. Think about it, talk about it, fantasize about it, but unless she commits an idea to screen, forget it. Which leads us to tip number one—   1.) Sit your […]