{Review+Giveaway} Live Like Legends by @KateCornell @EntangledTeen

{Review+Giveaway} Live Like Legends by @KateCornell @EntangledTeen

Live Like Legends is a standalone young adult fantasy romance by Kate Cornell. This book is blurbed as being perfect for fans of Lindsay Duga’s Kiss of the Royal and Sara Wolf’s Bring Me Their Hearts series, which excited me to no end because those are some of my all time favorite fantasy romances. Entangled […]

{#Giveaway} DISNEY, BUT DARK: THE VILLAINS SERIES by @SerenaValentino @DisneyBooks #DisneyVillainsBooks

{#Giveaway}  DISNEY, BUT DARK: THE VILLAINS SERIES by @SerenaValentino @DisneyBooks #DisneyVillainsBooks

I am so excited to present a very special giveaway in partnership with Disney Books! This summer, the next book in the Disney Villains series is releasing and I am super pumped for it! Are you ready to find out Cruella’s backstory?? I am! Can’t wait? Enter NOW for a chance to win a NARS “Cruella” […]

{Review+Giveaway} Every Reason We Shouldn’t by Sara Fujimura

{Review+Giveaway} Every Reason We Shouldn’t by Sara Fujimura

Every Reason We Shouldn’t is a young adult contemporary romance by auhor Sara Fujimura. Every Reason We Shouldn’t is a skating romance that felt different than previous skating romances that I have read in the past. In the past, the books centered around skating focused on one kind. Either hockey, or figure skating mostly. But […]