{Review+Giveaway} Balthazar’s Bane by Kat Ross @katrossauthor

{Review+Giveaway} Balthazar’s Bane by Kat Ross @katrossauthor

Balthazar’s Bane is the sixth book in the Gaslamp Gothic series by author Kat Ross. The gaslamp Gothic series, was previously known as the Dominion Mystery series, which includes The Daemoniac,  The Thirteenth Gate, and Bad Breed (among others). I loved, loved loved the first three books in the series but then I missed books […]

{Excerpt+Giveaway} A Spectacle of Souls by Jessica Julien @jjulienauthor @BleedingInkPubs @RockstarBkTours

{Excerpt+Giveaway} A Spectacle of Souls by Jessica Julien @jjulienauthor @BleedingInkPubs @RockstarBkTours

To enter, fill out the rafflecopter below to win 1 lucky winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours, International. Note: Book Briefs Contest Policy applies.  All of the prizes, terms and conditions of the giveaway should be contained in the rafflecopter below. No Purchase necessary to enter. Void where […]

Posted August 4, 2020 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in excerpt, Giveaways / 4 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday: Books from my TBR List with Colors in the Title

Happy Tuesday! Today I’ve decided to start participating in Top Ten Tuesday, formerly hosted by Jamie at The Broke and the Bookish, now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. For upcoming topics, and more information on Top Ten Tuesday, visit Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s topic is: Books from my TBR List with Colors in the Title […]

Posted August 4, 2020 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Uncategorized / 4 Comments