{Book Review} Five by Christie Rich

Five by Christie Rich Kindle Edition, 314 pages Published August 10th 2011 Age Group: YA Source: ecopy from Author Series: Elemental Enmity #1 Summary:  Rayla Tate’s life is about to turn vertical…again. As if it wasn’t bad enough her mother disappeared under questionable circumstances leaving Rayla to be raised by her aunt in a horrendously small […]

Posted January 27, 2013 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews / 7 Comments

{Guest Post} Angelfire by Hanna Peach

Today I have a guest post for you from the Urban Fantasy book, Angelfire. Angelfire is the first book in the Dark Angel series. Angelfire by Hanna Peach Series: Dark Angel #1 Published: November 22, 2012 Format: E-book Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Blurb: An army of angels walk among us. They have kept us safe and ignorant, […]

Posted January 23, 2013 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Guest Post / 3 Comments

Sunday Post and Weekly Recap (4)

Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer 2013 is going to be the year that I get my TBR pile under control. FOR REAL. So my goal is taking in less review books than I am reading per month. (I thought about doing it per week but that was too much for me, because some […]

Posted January 20, 2013 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in / 14 Comments

{Book Review} Tidal by Emily Snow

Check out the rest of the stops on the Tidal blog tour HERE Tidal by Emily Snow Paperback, 320 pages Published December 14th 2012 Age group: New Adult Source: eARC from author Summary:  Now that Willow Avery is out of rehab, she’s got one chance left to prove herself before she’s officially on every producer’s shit […]

Posted January 18, 2013 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews / 6 Comments