{Author Spotlight +Giveaway} Heather Hildenbrand @HeatherHildenbr

{Author Spotlight +Giveaway} Heather Hildenbrand @HeatherHildenbr

For my blogoversary this year, I am hosting several authors that I have discovered through my six year blogging journey. I will be sharing book spotlights, author interviews, guest posts and lots of other fun features to share with you some of my favorite authors! I am also hosting a HUGE giveaway. In fact, the […]

{Review+Giveaway} Weariland by @MaryEShotwell @MergePublishing

{Review+Giveaway} Weariland by @MaryEShotwell @MergePublishing

Weariland is a young adult fantasy retelling by Mary Shotwell. Weariland is perfect for fans new and old alike of alice in wonderland. Weariland is a modern day take on wonderland. I really enjoyed this story. You might know by now that Wonderland retellings are my favorite kind of retelling, because I feel like there […]

{Review+Giveaway} Weddings, Crushes, and Other Dramas by @Emily_Mc_Kay @EntangledTeen

{Review+Giveaway} Weddings, Crushes, and Other Dramas by @Emily_Mc_Kay @EntangledTeen

Weddings, Crushes, and Other Dramas is the sixth book in the Creative HeArts series, and the second, and final :(,  book in the Finn and Willa trilogy by Emily McKay. I have still not read the fourth or fifth book in the series,  but I have read books 1-3. I have said it before and […]