{Review+Giveaway} Summer of No Regrets by Katherine Grace Bond

July 19, 2013 Reviews, Young Adult 0 ★★★½

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The Summer of No Regrets by Katherine Grace Bond

Paperback, 290 pages
Published May 1st 2012 by Sourcebooks Fire
Age Group: YA
Source: Finished copy from publisher

This was the summer that would change my life.
No more being what everyone expected. No more doing what everyone else wanted.
So when Luke came into my life, I decided to keep him a secret. Maybe he as a dead-ringer for notorious Hollywood bad boy Trent Yves. And it was possible that everything he told me was a lie. And yes, I was probably asking for trouble. But all I saw was Luke–sweet, funny, caring–someone who would let me be the real me.
But which was the real him?player upon his return to school, she thinks it’s the perfect opportunity for Mira to get to know him better – but sparks fly – in more ways than one… 

I have seen some mixed review for this book. Some people loved how light and fun it was and thought it was a great summer romance, while others thought it was played out or overdone. Nonetheless, I thought it looked adorable and I was really excited to read it. I am a sucker for fun beachy reads and an even bigger sucker for the boy/girl next door romances. I enjoyed the Summer of No Regrets. I can see what people are saying about a few things being kind of run of the mill in young adult, but it didn’t bother me at all. It’s a story line that the author can do so much with and it’s a winner in my book. Personally, I love when authors take a storyline that may have been done a few times and put their own twist on it. Their writing really shines through that way to me. I get a better sense of the kind of author they are. And I have to say, Katherine Grace Bond really impressed me. I loved her characters and her writing was fun and engaging. 

Brigitta is unique and kind of spunky. This is her story and you really get to see a lot of progress and growth from her as a character and as a young lady throughout the Summer of No regrets and that is a huge plus from me. I love being able to go from the first page to the last page and see lots of good character progression. Brigitta comes from a unique family as well. Her dad’s religious views rub off on Brigitta in that she becomes almost obsessed with different religions and trying to see what would work best for her. I havent really seen that done in many young adult books before and I thought it was really interesting. And then Brigitta meets Luke. Sigh, oh Luke.

You guessed it, I really liked Luke. Right off the bat, you know he is hiding a secret. And I knew exactly what it was because I knew what the book was about but you get confusion from Brigitta and you go on this emotional rollercoaster ride with her while she is trying to figure it all out. At first, I thought she seemed a little immature about everything but she soon comes into her own and I thought that then her and Luke were a good match. I really liked reading about the two of them. 

The Summer of No Regrets is a really interesting read. I think anyone that is looking for a cute and kind of quirky summer romance should check it out. The real star of the book is Katherine Grace Bond. I loved her writing style. She immediately drew me in and I can’t wait to read another book of hers.

3.5/5 gavels

Katherine Grace Bond is the author of THE SUMMER OF NO REGRETS (Sourcebooks, 2012) and of the bestselling LEGEND OF THE VALENTINE (Zondervan, 2002), a story of the civil rights movement. She often finds herself in the woods escaping from giant cats and shadowy figures in cloaks. The creator of TEENWrite acting/writing workshops, where participants come as their characters, she lives with her husband in a dimension populated by younger people, some of whom resemble her.
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