#BoutofBooks Read-A-Thon Updates!

Posted October 23, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Read-A-Thon, update / 7 Comments

Ok, ok I know what you must all be thinking. ANOTHER read-a-thon???! Are you crazy Michelle? Probably, but that is not the point. The point is I am way behind on review books and I am trying my hardest to catch up by the end of the year. That means reading my butt off! 
I have school Monday-Thursday and I have Halloween festivities to partake in this weekend but I still hope to get more than my average amount of reading done. We will see how it goes. Here is some information about event:
Quick Reminders
  • Sign upI will leave sign-up open through Friday 10/28.
  • You must be signed up and on the Master List to qualify for challenge prizes.  Co-hosts will check the list to verify.
  • Check out the Bout of Books schedule
  • Say hi to other Bout of Books readers.
  • Find Bout of Books participants on Twitter (and yes, this time it DOES include me).
  • See what everyone is tweeting.  Use #boutofbooks in your tweets.
  • Look for a wrap up post (and survey; we want to know what worked or didn’t) here at On a Book Bender on Monday, 10/31
  • If you choose to have a starting line post with goals, please PLEASE include how much you intend to read.  Not everyone can read the entire week, so it is helpful to know when (or how much) you can read.
  • Submit a link to your starting line post at the end of this post.
  • And most importantly: HAVE  FUN.
Time Devoted to Reading
I will be committing myself to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. 
My Goals
  • 3 books minimum.  Shooting for 5.  Ultimate goal: 7 books.
  • write reviews for the books I have read
  • Have fun!
Books To Read
  • Eye Contact by Rebecca Royce
  • Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
  • Blue Blood for Life by Stacey Eaton
  • ill figure out the rest if I get through these
I am choosing to do all my updates on this post.  I will do a separate post for my wrap up at the end of the read-a-thon. If you are also tweeting, using #insixwords is a fast and fun way to post your updates, whether it’s of the day, or the book you finished reading.
Number of books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:
Today #insixwords: 
Number of books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:
Today #insixwords:Books:
Number of books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:
Today #insixwords: 
Number of books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:
Today #insixwords: 
Number of books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:
Today #insixwords: 
Number of books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:
Today #insixwords:

enter to win a copy of Abigail by Heather Marie Adkins! Ends 10/31
Come check out My Bookworm Santa! Giveaways, meet new people. It’s going to be a really fun event! Come Sign up 🙂


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