Genre: Steampunk

{Review} The Incredible Charlotte Sycamore and the Secret Traps by Kate Maddison

{Review} The Incredible Charlotte Sycamore and the Secret Traps by Kate Maddison

The Incredible Charlotte Sycamore and the Secret Traps is the second book in the young adult Charlotte Sycamore series by Kate Maddison. The Charlotte Sycamore series a young adult steampunk adventure series set in Britain. I didn’t realize that this book was the second book in the series until I was already a little ways […]

Posted December 22, 2020 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews, Young Adult / 0 Comments

{Top Five+Giveaway} The Turncoat’s Gambit by @AndreaCremer @PhilomelBooks @PenguinTeen

{Top Five+Giveaway} The Turncoat’s Gambit by @AndreaCremer @PhilomelBooks @PenguinTeen

TOP 5 MOMENTS: OF THE INVENTOR’S SECRET SERIES This was a tough list! I wanted to share the real highlights of finishing this series, but without spoilers. Every book is a creative rollercoaster, but the final book of a series ratchets up those experiences even more. I hope everyone who reads THE TURNCOAT’S GAMBIT enjoys […]

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto @ellemodesto @BalzerandBray

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto @ellemodesto @BalzerandBray

Revenge and the Wild is a standalone novel by Michelle Modesto. Notice that I did not put a genre in the previous sentence. That is because I think it is impossible to sum up Revenge and the Wild with a single genre. This book is delightfully different. I know words like unique and different get […]