Books from my TBR List with Colors in the Title
I tried to pick a mix of older titles (and some more recent) that are still on my goodreads TBR. Let me know if you think I should read any of these books ASAP!
Upcoming Top Ten Tuesday Topics:
August 4: Books with Colors In the Titles
August 11: Books I Loved but Never Reviewed
August 18: Books that Should be Adapted into Netflix Shows/Movies (submitted by Nushu @ Not A Prima Donna Girl)
August 25: Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors (Living or dead. You can post 10 questions for one author, one question each for 10 different authors, or anything else!)
September 1: Books that Make Me Hungry (They could have food items on the cover, foods in the title, be about foodies or have food as a main plot point… they could be cookbooks or memoirs, etc.)
September 8: Books for My Younger Self (These could be books you wish you had read as a child, books younger you could have really learned something from, books that meshed with your hobbies/interests, books that could have helped you go through events/changes in your life, etc.)
September 15: Cover Freebie (choose your own topic, centered on book covers or cover art)
September 22: Books On My Fall 2020 TBR (or spring if you live in the southern hemisphere)
September 29: Favorite Book Quotes (these could be quotes from books you love, or bookish quotes in general)
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I really ought to read Coral soon.
My TTT .
Oooh Cerulean. Good one! A lot of variety on your list.
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
SPLINTERS OF SCARLET is on my list today, too. I loved the author’s debut book and have been waiting so patiently for this sophomore book. I can’t wait to read it!
Happy TTT!
The Isle of Gold was awesome! I’m so glad to see it pop up on your list. 🙂
Lauren @ Always Me