{Giveaway} May I Suggest Giveaway Hop!

Posted May 6, 2017 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Giveaways, Young Adult / 5 Comments


 For this giveaway I decided to put together a box of books filled with some of the top titles of 2016 and 2017 in it! These are books that I totally love and I am suggesting you read! And then I decided to put together a second box featuring released  and upcoming titles !!

One winner (US only) will get a box filled with the following ARC books:

 Geekerella   A Crown of Wishes (The Star-Touched Queen, #2) The Shadow Queen (Ravenspire, #1) Reign of Shadows (Reign of Shadows, #1) Nemesis (Nemesis #1) Till Death

 But if you want to change out of any of the books in the box, feel free. You can substitute books with any from this picture to customize your box!

If the winner is international, they can pick an ebook of their choice!

 And because I love you guys so much! I am adding in a second winner!

This winner will get a box of all 2017 ARCs from Scholastic! I have 3 of their upcoming releases and 2 releases that have already come out this year that I will be giving to one winner and then the winner can also pick ANOTHER  book from my giveaway picture, bringing their box total to 6 books!

@BookBriefs is giving away a box of books filled with some of the top titles of 2017 in it! Enter the int. #Giveaway Share on X

And while you are here have you seen my book sale info? Previews are happening this weekend and the sale next week. I have over 500 books!

Book Briefs


To enter, fill out the rafflecopter below to win an ebook of your choice (if INT only- up to $5) or 1 of 2 box of books (US only) each box will contain 6 ARCs.

Physical books are US only, ebooks are international and will be purchased through Amazon.

Please let me know in the comments below which box of books you are most interested in!

Note: Book Briefs Contest Policy applies.  All of the prizes, terms and conditions of the giveaway should be contained in the rafflecopter below. No Purchase necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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5 responses to “{Giveaway} May I Suggest Giveaway Hop!

  1. Margaret Appel

    This is a really awesome giveaway! The six books listed look so good, and I heard so many good things about them. Thanks!! Crossing my fingers 🙂

  2. Jessica Iskey

    Thank you for the incredibly generous giveaway!! You’re going to make one happy reader (hopefully me ?) very happy!!
    Thanks again!! ❤

  3. Diane S

    Thank you for the giveaway.. Honestly either box would be welcome in my house, but if I had to choose it would be the box of 2017 of ya from scholastic.

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