{Weekly Wrap Up} Week of July 27th- August 2nd

Posted August 2, 2015 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in In my mailbox, stacking the shelves, Sunday Post, weekly recap / 7 Comments

Sunday Post is Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and

Stacking the Shelves is Hosted by Tyngaโ€™s Reviews

Hey guys! How has your week been?

I was back to my normal reviewing schedule this week. Because of blogging on a time crunch, I was able to get a couple of books ahead of schedule, which was nice, but now I want to do even more! So I decided to participate in ARC August this week. You can check out my post HERE

Other than that, things have been good. This was a particularly busy and hectic week at work, so I am looking forward to just kicking back and relaxing this weekend.*

Side note: I am looking at new inspiration for a blog mini blog makeover. I figure if I am going to switch to tweak me v. 2 I should change some stuff up while I am at it. If you have any ideas or things that you love on blogs, let me know in the comments. And I will give you a (virtual) cookie ๐Ÿ˜‰

*written before said relaxing took place ๐Ÿ˜‰


Books I got this week:

*Thank you so much to Month9Books, Lyrical Press, Clean Teen Publishing, Kensington, NetGalley, and all of the authors for these awesome books! *
(Click on the book covers to go to the book goodreads/amazon page)
eARC- Publisher
ecopy- Author
ecopy- Author


Weekly Recap
This week on the blog I brought you:
Check them out ๐Ÿ™‚
Next Week on the Blog:
*Note: These are not final. Some posts may change*
{ARC Review+Giveaway} Truth or Bear by Penny Reid
{ARC Review} When an Omega Snaps by Eve Langais
{ARC Review+Giveaway} Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alsaid
Waiting on Wednesday
{Review+Giveaway} Like Candy by Debra Doxer
{Review+Giveaway} Awake by Natasha Preston
{ARC Review+Giveaway} Don’t Ever Change by Beth M. Bloom
{ARC Review} Smash into you


Leave me links to your Sunday posts/stacking the shelves in the comments and I will check them out ๐Ÿ™‚

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7 responses to “{Weekly Wrap Up} Week of July 27th- August 2nd

  1. Michelle, if you’re going to change your design, only do it a little. Do go changing the colours too much, and keep the circles in there – it’s your style, and I recognise it, okay? ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad you’ve managed to plan ahead a lot, so I expect some great posts, and I’ll try not to lurk and actually comment more, okay?<3

  2. You got a lot of great books, congrats! And good luck with your ARC challenge, I know you will do well. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    As for changes? I have no idea! I’m the worst when it comes to things like that, it took me forever to decide on my design. ๐Ÿ™

  3. Good luck with your ARC challenge!

    As for changing, maybe more color contrast? Right now all the colors are so pale that reading can be a challenge. Also, whatever you do, do not get rid of the search bar! I detest blogs and sites without a search function. There, gave my two cents. ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. I keep meaning to cut back and relax on blogging for a bit this summer but I haven’t managed to do that. LOL I just can’t seem to help myself!
    Some lovely new books to relax with. Happy reading:)

  5. I am doing ARC August also! I hope to get a few read this month I am so behind. You got some great looking books I hope you enjoy them all! ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy reading!


  6. hummm… it is hard to suggest anything new for your blog because it is beautiful and easy to navigate the way it is. I love the soothing colors, the fonts, the layout.
    Maybe I’d make the image in the “august review” section of your sidebar bigger. I also like when blogs have a roll or slider with their favorite books.

  7. I love the cover for Kiss the Stars.

    I’ve been trying to get a lot of reading done myself whilst I’ve been sick, and last week was a better week than usual, yet this week now that I can get things done I’ve been distracted with cleaning, organising, but it’s given me a break from reading which I’m hoping will get me in the mood to want to read by the end of the wee.

    I don’t recognise any of the books you got this week, but I hope you enjoy them all.

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