{Weekly Wrap Up} Week of June 16- 22

Posted June 22, 2014 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in In my mailbox, stacking the shelves, Sunday Post, update, weekly recap / 16 Comments

Sunday Post is Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and

Stacking the Shelves is Hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

Hey guys! How has your week been? This has been a good review and giveaway week for me. I have a couple of special giveaways, so be sure to check out the bottom of the post.
Somehow a lot of review books came in this week. Most are for upcoming book tours, but some were surprises. I am super excited about all of them but more than a little overwhelmed with my TBR list. I really need to make that excel document so I can see all of my books….

Books I got this week:

*Thank you so much to Macmillian, Entangled Teen, Bloomsbury Childrens, Amazon Digital, Penguin Group, Berekley, NetGalley, Entangled Edge, Swoon Romance, and all of the authors for these awesome books! *
(Click on the book covers to go to the book goodreads/Amazon page)


eARC-  Publisher
eARC – Publisher
ecopy – Author
ecopy -Author
ecopy – Author
ecopy – Author
eARC- Publisher
eARC- Publisher
ecopy- Publisher
eARC- Author
eARC- Publisher
Hardcover- Publisher
Both of these books were FREE on Amazon this week.
Be sure to check prices before buying to make sure they are still free.
(Follow me on twitter. I tweet out FREE amazon books on Mondays and Fridays)
FREE- Amazon
FREE- Amazon

Weekly Recap

This week on the blog I brought you:
Next Week on the Blog:
*Note: These are not final. Some posts may change*
{Review} Perfect Kind of Trouble by Chelsea Fine
{First Look+Poll+Giveaway} Have a say in Elisabeth Grace’s Next book!
{Review} Life in a Rut, Love not Included
{Review} The Line that Binds
Waiting on Wednesday
{Review} Star Struck by Lauraline Paige
{Guest Post+Giveaway} Fun top 10 with Cary Jones
{Review} The Accidental Socialite
{Giveaway} Bloomsbury Spark-iversary giveaway!
{Review} Hungry by H.A. Swain
{Review} Burn Me by Shelley Watters


This Week I have: 
Been trying to get back into working out. I have been trying to squeeze it in before work, but I am so not a morning person so that is tough. I have a feeling I will be pushing it back to on my way home from work, but that would turn into later nights with reading and blog stuff, so I am hopeful that I will be able to get my butt up in the morning and go work out then because then I will still have more time at night to get my other stuff done.

Other than that not much, applying to more law firms like crazy! (Shout out to all the FL estate planners and Probate Litigators out there. I have a pretty resume for you!! haha)

Oh! And I am super excited that COYER Summer Vacation has started!!  Come join in on the fun!


Host: Michelle @ Because Reading & Berls @ Fantasy is more fun
My Summary Post
Progress: 64/60 (107%)
21 June, 2014 — 6 September, 2014

Be sure to enter my giveaways going on right now:
Looking for some great summer reads? Well, look no further. Check out my summer reads recs and enter to win one of your choice!
Midsummers Eve Hop
I loved Losing Logan. Check out my review and Enter to Win a set of Losing Logan & Haunting Zoe (2 winners!)
Leave me links to your Sunday posts/stacking the shelves in the comments and I will check them out 🙂

If you enjoyed this post, please Subscribe to Book Briefs in a reader


16 responses to “{Weekly Wrap Up} Week of June 16- 22

  1. I haven’t heard of most of those books but I will be checking them out and looking forward to your reviews 🙂

    I also want to start working out even just walk but I can’t seem to find the right time to do that with the kids almost both home from school, work and other life stuff but I want to try squeezing it in maybe after dinner. I think I need to be more active. I’m such a lump right now 🙂

    I am also so excited about COYER Good Luck with all your reads.

    Have a great week Michelle!!!

    • I go through such stages with working out. It always gets easier after I do it consistently for a while, but it is always hard for me to get back into after I stop for a while. I am still trying a consistent time to work it into my schedule.

      I hope you are having a great week as well Michelle 🙂

  2. Sounds like a busy week! You got quite a number of great books for review. They all seem so good. I hope you enjoy them. I totally get you on the get more physical in the mornings. ‘ve been trying to do that for such a long time, and gaven’t suceeded yet. I still have my hopes up, though, so you should too. I know you’ll make it. And good luck on your job hunt! I hope some awesome law firm gets you. Have a great week.

    • Thanks Valeria! I am so not a morning person, so it is tough getting up even earlier, but i don’t want to give anything else up in my day so I have to push it before everything else.

      We will see how well it works out. lol

    • Thanks! I’m sorry I have been slacking so much on my comments this week. I normally like to reply every other day, but it has been so hectic around here lately. I just did a marathon stalk and comment on your blog haha

  3. I have a rough time getting up early in the morning to workout as well. Good luck on the job hunt! You’ve got some interesting books this week. I read an excerpt of Virgin and it was definitely interesting! I’m excited about COYER too. Hopefully I’ll make some progress on my stacks of books. Have a great week!

    • Thanks Katherine. I think Virgin was a read now option on netgalley and i couldn’t turn it down.

      I hope I will be able to get some books done for COYER. Ok, a lot of books. I really need to get my kindle books under control.

      Thanks for stopping by Katherine. (I love your blog name btw)

  4. Waking up a little earlier in the morning to work out gets easier when it turns into a habit, it helps clearing your head and makes the coffee taste better ! Have a great week 😉

  5. I’m jealous you got Tortured Souls! That sounds really good and I can’t wait to read your review. I joined COYER too!! It’s my first year and this sounds like fun. I understand how you feel about working out! I work early (so it is too dark outside to run or walk) but then I get home and need to cook and do blog stuff. Since it is summer (and a break from my daughter’s homework) I might go to work an hour later so I can work out. It’s so hard to fit everything in lol. Hope you have a great week!!

    • This is my first time with COYER as well 🙂

      I know I am more likely to work out later in the day, but time wise it fits into my schedule better if I could just make myself get up early and do it at the start. But we will see how long I actually stick with it haha

      Thanks for stopping by Kathy.

  6. Great haul! I’m really excited for Just Like the Movies, too! It looks so cute. I love the cover of The Midnight Queen. Also, yay Lost & Found, such an adorable read. Jesse is a winner 😉 Hope you enjoy it!

    • I’m glad you loved Lost & Found. I did an audible squeal when I saw it was free haha

      and The Midnight Queen looks so good. I can’t wait to dive into that one.

      Thanks for Stopping by Cyn 🙂

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