Pages: 304
Published by Carina on April 7, 2014
Genres: Fiction, Political, Suspense, Thrillers
John Quinn, an investigative journalist on England's biggest-selling and most notorious tabloid newspaper, is about to write the story of his life Ð a kiss-and-tell with one of the country's most powerful men at its heart. But the story dies when Lorna Thomas, the kiss in his kiss-and-tell, kills herself on a quiet country road.
Unable to accept her twin's suicide, Laurie Thomas follows in her sister's footsteps to London and to the heart of government. And as she becomes more involved in Lorna's world, she grows more convinced than ever that Lorna did not take her own life. But if Lorna didn't kill herself, who did?

My Top Ten Nibbles
By Carys Jones, author of Prime Deception and Sunkissed
If you happen to follow me on Twitter (@tiny_dancer85) you’d know that I mostly tweet about two things; my dog and food.
I’m a bit of a piglet when it comes to food so for today for my 10s list I thought I’d share with you my Top Ten Nibbles! Any excuse to talk about food, right?
Whenever I finish writing for the day my reward is always something sweet! I’m very much a grazer and nibble throughout the day but don’t really eat big meals. So here are the ten treats which I’m happiest to nibble on!
Jelly Babies
I LOVE jelly babies! But only the Bassett brand ones and then only the red and orange flavours. When it comes to sweets I only ever eat the reds and oranges, sometimes a purple.
Any form of cake is good. I particularly like cupcakes. One of my favourite things to do is to curl up with a piece of cake, a fresh cup of tea and Grey’s Anatomy
I like Pringles as you can feel satisfied after a few so they go a long way. The problem I have is that I take so long to eat them that by the time I’m at the bottom third of a pack they’ve started to be passed their best…
The fluffier the better!
Second to cake, biscuits are the perfect accompaniment for a cup of tea. All the better if they contain some sweet jam of some kind!
Perfect movie food! I love sweet popcorn and can polish off a whole bag at the cinema while the trailers are still rolling!
If you’re not familiar with Babybel they are little individual cheeses which are oh-so-tasty and also kind of good for you. Better than sweets anyway!
White Chocolate
Creamy white chocolate is amazing, especially in button form!
I only get to enjoy these if me or someone I know has been to America and kindly bought them back for me. They are sort of waxy, sort of sweet and very, very mourish!
Crunchy Cheetos
Which brings me on to another love I developed whilst on holiday. Crunchy Cheetos are the best crisps ever! They are actually amazing! I’ve been known to wolf down whole bags whilst sat outside reading.
So now you know my secret, that I’m a complete glutton and now I’ve made myself incredibly hungry so I’m off to scour my kitchen and see which of my top ten nibbles are available!
Note: Oh, your top 10 list has made me hungry! I am a snack-a-holic myself….
To enter, fill out the rafflecopter below to enter to win a copy of Sunkissed by Carys Jones
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I love the top 10 list!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Snacks are always a hit with me! haha
Prime deception looks like an intriguing story, would like to read it.
Yea it really does, doesn’t it!