{Interview} The Hunted by Kristy Berridge

April 14, 2012 Blog Tours, Interview 3

Thank you so much for being here today Kristy! Be sure to come back next saturday for my review of The Hunted.

1.     Describe The Hunted in a tweet (140 characters or less)
The Hunted is filled with intrigue, descriptive violence, alluring vampires unafraid to use their fangs, merciless werewolves, and magic!

2.     Which of your characters do you relate to the most and why?
Definitely my main character Elena. Despite the fact that I’m not nearly as sarcastic, caustic, and brave as this girl, her decision making process is based on my own impulsive notions. I often tried to put myself in her shoes, remembering my rebellious teenage years and simply considering the choices I would have made … if I was as impermeable to injury as she seems to be.

3.     What is the hardest part of writing/planning a story for you?
The hardest part is figuring out how and when I want the story to end and to make sure I have an interesting concept along the way. The Hunted is the result of many re-writes and a lot of editing. For me, this was the hardest book in this series of five to write because I had so much information that I needed to give the reader. There is a lot of history with my vampires, a lot of intrigue with my werewolves, and a lot of deception from the magic users – The Protectors. I needed to ensure the story ran smoothly across all five novels – consistency of information, that is the hard part.

4.     How did you first decide you wanted to be a writer?
I still don’t really consider myself to be a writer, perhaps because I was formally trained as an Interior Designer. I started writing mostly because I was without a lot of work in my industry. I found myself twiddling my fingers at my desk and wondering what would happen if a vampire happened upon me. For some reason, I opened Microsoft Word and just started typing those such scenarios and suddenly The Hunted was born. I haven’t stopped writing since.

5.     What are some of your other hobbies?
I love to read. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of a fresh story and a new concept yet explored. But, I also love to paint and decorate. If I’m not writing, you’ll often find me with some sort of power tool in hand, working my way around the house and doing modifications. I’m also a little bit of an exercise Nazi. I love the burn!

6.     Do you prefer series or standalone books? Which do you think are harder to write?
I love a series. I often think that stand alone books feel rushed and don’t give you enough time to fall in love with or dislike the characters. In a series you can start hypothesising where the story will go, who will survive, and who you hope will get it in the back. Alas, I have yet to write a stand alone book – I’m all about The Hunted Series at the moment, so I’ll let you know.

7.     If we looked under your bed, what would we find?
Besides dust, parts of an old shelving unit that I didn’t have enough room for in my shed. I’m currently building a new shed (yes me), so hopefully all that will be under the bed soon will be the dust and if I’m really lucky – a vampire.

Elena Manory is by no means an ordinary teenage girl. Being born with the ability to heal herself from any injury, and with the knowledge that on her eighteenth birthday she will become a Vampire, Elena is aware that she is more than a little different from other girls her age. 
It isn’t until she meets William Granville, an alluring and impossibly handsome vampire, that she begins to question her destiny and what secrets the Institute of Magical Intervention and her adopted family have withheld—secrets that could change the fates of not only her own life, but of the lives of all the immortals. 
As events spiral out of control, William may be the only person Elena can place her trust in. He, and Elena’s magical family, must fight to save her, joining forces to defeat a common, deadly foe. For William, it is his chance to save the girl that he has searched eternity to find.

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Buy The Hunted on Amazon

About Kristy Berridge:

Born in Perth, Western Australia in 1982, Kristy Berridge was ushered into the world in a decade of bad hair, parachute pants, and blue eye shadow. Fortunately, she managed to avoid all three influences by immersing herself in the business of growing up, and hitched a ride with her fun-loving, and adventure-filled parents to the sunny state of Queensland. Here she completed most of her education.
Besides learning that boys don’t have cooties, and that algebra wouldn’t kill her, she pointedly set the path of her high school career towards success in Art and English-based subjects, and won numerous awards for her efforts.
After high school she went on to study Graphic Design and Illustration at James Cook University, and then furthered her studies at the local TAFE college with an Interior Design course. With this knowledge under her belt, she also decided to undertake a three year Design course at Rhodec International in London, to complete her education and propel her towards the successful career she now enjoys.
She currently resides in Cairns with her husband Navaro, who is her biggest support and a constant source of motivation to finish the next novel.

You can find kristy here:

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Michelle @ Book Briefs

3 Responses to “{Interview} The Hunted by Kristy Berridge”

  1. Rebecca

    This author is funny. I loved her last comment about what she wanted under her bed. Also love that she’s a DIY type.

  2. BookSmartie

    Wow, I haven’t been following your blog for long, but your choice of books is amazing! I’m hooked for every single book you feature in your posts 🙂

  3. Bella

    Sounds like a good book for me! Thanks for the interivew – and I agree that a series is better than a stand alone book. I fall in love with the characters in my favorite books and hate to see the end of a book come where I won’t be getting any more time with them.

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