SiS read-a-thon update #1

June 17, 2011 Read-A-Thon, update 3

It’s time for the first update &mini-challenge! For this mini-challenge : favorite and least favorite movie adaptation of a book.

Here’s my update and mini challenge answer!


  • Total Books Read: 0
  • Total Pages Read: 54
  • Books Read Since Last Update: 0
  • Pages Read since last update: 54
  • Total time read: 35 min
  • How I’m currently feeling: Relaxed!

Mini Challenge:

  • Favorite book-movie adaptation: I love the Harry Potter movies. My favorites are the 6th, 7 part 1 and the first movie. 
  • Least favorite book-movie adaptation: Now as much as I love the Harry Potter movies, the 3rd one was pretty different from the book for me. There was a new director and I just did not love it as much as the other ones. The Twilight movies are also a low point on movie book adaptations for me. (I do like the books a lot though)
If YOU participate in this update and mini-challenge, you will be entered to win a copy of Outside In by Maria V. Snyder! Link to your post below in the Mr. Linky HERE.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

3 Responses to “SiS read-a-thon update #1”

  1. Savs

    Ah! I was just wondering yesterday if there was a readathon coming up soon. I think it may be too late to sign up now, but that won’t stop me from reading for the rest of the evening. 🙂

  2. Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

    Yay! Someone else who read about the same number of pages that I did! I have to admit that Enna’s list of favorite book-to-movie adaptations was my own, but I included another as well! Good luck on the rest of the readathon!

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