Would You be Interested in Buying Books?

Posted December 4, 2016 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Uncategorized / 2 Comments

are getting hitched(I previously posted this because I had the best of intentions to do this sale before Christmas, but now I will be moving in 2 weeks, so the sale will be in January after I move.) The good news for that is, I have picked even more books to include in the sale.

I have a question for you guys

I am thoroughly cleaning off my bookshelves, and I have a TON of very new hardcovers, paperbacks and mass paperbacks . I also have some older books(including some very large series that have been beloved from my childhood like Sabrina the teenage witch, full house, nancy drew, etc.)


Organizing all the books!!! This has been a project of mine that I have put off for such a long time. But I got some new goodies for Christmas and I need the books off my desk so I can start using it as a desk. #books #library #booklovers #booknerds #booknerdigans #ihaveaproblem #bookstagram #bookish #bookworm #bookporn #reader #librarylove
Organizing all the books!!! This has been a project of mine that I have put off for such a long time. But I got some new goodies for Christmas and I need the books off my desk so I can start using it as a desk.
#books #library #booklovers #booknerds #booknerdigans #ihaveaproblem #bookstagram #bookish #bookworm #bookporn #reader #librarylove

Most of the books are young adult, but some of them are adult, middle grade, and romance. I have a huge range of genres.

My question is, if I put together a post, would anyone be interested in buying the books? It will likely take a very long time to put a post together because I would want to include goodreads links and pictures for each and every one of books, so I only want to put a post together, if people are genuinely interested.

I am currently thinking of a price breakdown as follows:

*any of the prices may change*

Newer(2015-2016 release date) hardcovers: $4

Older Hardcovers $3

Newer(2015-2016 release date) paperbacks $2

Older paperbacks/mass market paperbacks $1

*Large series will be sold together first at a discounted rate, but if no one wants the entire series, then they will be sold individually*

Shipping will likely be $3 for the first book and, $0.50 for the second book and $0.25 per additional book. They will be shipped media mail with tracking.

At the moment shipping prices are for US only. If I have interest from international buyers,  I will have to calculate that out later.

Payment will be through Paypal or Venmo

Let me know if you would be interested!

@BookBriefs wants to know if you want to buy books at crazy good prices? Let her know. Everyone that replies will get a sneak peak at the books Click To Tweet

If you would like to help me spread the word about the sale, that would be awesome!

Book Briefs Book Sale

If you are interested in sale, please fill out the following form and let me know what you think and what kind of books you are interested in. As a reward, everyone that puts an email address in the form will be sent a special sneak peak at the books, and will get first dibs on them before they go live on my blog.

If you already signed up, you are still on my form and don’t need to sign up again. 🙂

Book Sale


2 responses to “Would You be Interested in Buying Books?

  1. Aleigh

    So I just sent you a message and used siri and it came out bonkers. I was trying so say mostly YA some adult and middle grade. Anyway I do see that this was 4 months ago but let me know.

    • I got your message. It was pretty funny, but I got the jist of it. I know this has taken so long, but I am finally ready to to post. I have sorted all the books and I am taking pictures of them tonight. I have you on my pre submission sale list! Thanks

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