Hurricane Matthew Update

Posted October 6, 2016 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Uncategorized / 5 Comments

Just a quick note to let you all know that posting may (but hopefully not!) be a little unpredictable in the coming days/week.

I am not sure if/when I will be losing power, and I don’t know if I will have continued access to the internet.

I am putting on my rain gear and hunkering down with lots of books (please let there be light!)

And don’t worry, if I have to, I will swim my way back to you!

To everyone in Matthew’s path, STAY SAFE! 


5 responses to “Hurricane Matthew Update

  1. Jen

    Sending lots of safe thoughts your way! My family and friends back in Georgia left their homes and drove to a safer area. So scary. *hugs*

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