{Book Review} The Juliet Spell by Douglas Rees

January 6, 2012 Reviews 2

The Juliet Spell by Douglas Rees

Paperback304 pages
Published September 27th 2011 by Harlequin Teen
Age Group: YA
Source: NetGalley
Challenge: None
Series: None
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Summary(from Goodreads)

I wanted the role of Juliet more than anything. I studied hard. I gave a great reading for it—even with Bobby checking me out the whole time. I deserved the part.I didn’t get it. So I decided to level the playing field, though I actually might have leveled the whole play. You see, since there aren’t any Success in Getting to Be Juliet in Your High School Play spells, I thought I’d cast the next best—a Fame spell. Good idea, right?
Yeah. Instead of bringing me a little fame, it brought me someone a little famous. Shakespeare. Well, Edmund Shakespeare. William’s younger brother.
Good thing he’s sweet and enthusiastic about helping me with the play…and—ahem—maybe a little bit hot. But he’s from the past. Way past. Cars amaze him—cars! And cell phones? Ugh.
Still, there’s something about him that’s making my eyes go star-crossed….

I had heard some mixed things about The Juliet Spell before I had read it, so I was a little reluctant. But I ended up really enjoying the book. I thought it was a cute, fast read.

Miranda was very likable and it was really easy to be on her side throughout the story. I was expecting a cute contemporary book, so I was a thrown for a loop when all of a sudden Shakespeare’s brother shows up. I was a bit disappointed because I thought that it wasn’t realistic. Then, I thought to myself “Michelle, you read tons and tons of paranormal, supernatural and sci-fi books. How is this any less realistic?” So I got over that momentary pout and went back to reading, and once I did that I found that I really enjoyed the story. It was a little hard to believe in parts; like with how accepting Miranda’s mom was with this bizarre act, but overall the story flowed really well.

I didn’t really like Edmund. I liked Drew so much more! He was my favorite character in the whole book. He is smart, and loyal and I want him and Miranda together! She just needs to get over Edmund and move on to better things- namely, Drew.

It was really cute, and it just made me smile. It was not too complex or intense. And every once in a while you just need a cute book. The Juliet Spell is that book. 

3/5 Gavels
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