Review- The Titan’s Curse

April 22, 2011 Reviews 4

Paperback, 312 pages
Published April 8th 2008 by Disney Hyperion
Source: Bought
Summary (from Goodreads)

When the goddess Artemis goes missing, she is believed to have been kidnapped.And now it’s up to Percy and his friends to find out what happened. Who is powerful enough to kidnap a goddess? They must find Artemis before the winter solstice, when her influence on the Olympian Council could swing an important vote on the war with the titans. Not only that, but first Percy will have to solve the mystery of a rare monster that Artemis was hunting when she disappeared — a monster rumored to be so powerful it could destroy Olympus forever.

My Review: 
This book started kind of slow for me. Which was surprising, because with the previous two books I was immediately engrossed in the story. It took me like 90 or so pages for the story to really pick up for me. It ended up being really good, it just took a bit longer to get there than I would have hoped. Mostly I wanted to get through this book so I could continue on with the series. But the ending was really exciting, so that made up for the slow bits at the beginning.

I really liked meeting Artemis’ hunters. Zoe was a really great addition to the characters in the series. I was pretty annoyed with Annabeth at the end of the story though; why on earth does she still feel attached to Luke?? I will never understand that. Poor Percy, I know that must have been hard for her to talk about Luke, when Percy came all this way to save her.

I was sad that there was no underworld trips in this book, but by the way the book ended I am pretty sure there will be some underworld fun in the next book!

And also, Mr. D really bugs me! (he did redeem himself at one point in the book by helping them save Bessie) He is so infuriating, he is one of the good guys but he seems almost evil at some points. I’m sure that Percy will win him over eventually, but until then I’m not a fan of his.

This book was good, but I am much more interested in the next installment; they are going into the Labyrinth!

4/5 Gavels.

Michelle @ Book Briefs

4 Responses to “Review- The Titan’s Curse”

  1. Sierra Abrams

    I felt exactly the same way about the beginning, but by the end I was super excited about the rest of the series once more. Can’t wait to read your reviews on the last two! 🙂

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