{Review+Giveaway} Awaken by Jaime Guerard

Posted May 29, 2013 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Giveaways, Reviews / 12 Comments

Awaken by Jaime Guerard
Pages: 467
Published by Createspace Independent Pub on 2013

Three things run through my mind at this very moment... ONE, my life as I once knew it will never be the same. TWO, the person I'm in love with might not even exist. THREE, the deception that has unfolded before me has the power of life and death. Sixteen year old, Breanna Davis, has heard the saying; life isn't always what it seems.... well, that saying rings true now more than ever. As horrifying visions appear before her, revealing tragedies that will forever change the fate of those she loves, she realizes that she may be the only person who can stop them from becoming reality. Amongst the chaos of this new discovery, Bre is faced with a stranger, Eve, who moves in on Bre's friends and begins to follow her every move. As Eve's true motives begin to surface, Bre must fight against, not only the visions, but the dangers Eve holds close. There is another secret kept- Collin, a boy held captive in Bre's dreams, the boy she is secretly falling in love with but isn't sure he even exists. As she tries to make it work with Austin, an old friend who could possibly be more, Bre battles against her feelings for Collin. Bre is faced with an almost impossible decision, to choose her life or follow her destiny. If she doesn't intercede, people will certainly die. If she does, her own life could be at stake. In the end, if she fails, she'll lose everything.

Welcome to my stop on the Awaken blog tourBe sure to check out the rest of the tour

Kindle Edition, 398 pages
Published March 2013
Age Group:YA
Series: Awaken Series #1
Source: ecopy from Author

ONE, my life as I once knew it will never be the same.
TWO, the person I’m in love with might not even exist.
THREE, the deception that has unfolded before me has the power of life and death.
Sixteen year old, Breanna Davis, has heard the saying; life isn’t always what it seems…well, that saying rings true now more than ever. As horrifying visions appear before her, revealing tragedies that will forever change the fate of those she loves, she realizes that she may be the only person who can stop them from becoming reality. 
Amongst the chaos of this new discovery, Bre is faced with a stranger, Eve, who moves in on Bre’s friends and begins to follow her every move. As Eve’s true motives begin to surface, Bre must fight against, not only the visions, but the dangers Eve holds close. 
There is another secret kept- Collin, a boy held captive in Bre’s dreams, the boy she is secretly falling in love with but isn’t sure he even exists. As she tries to make it work with Austin, an old friend who could possibly be more, Bre battles against her feelings for Collin. 
Bre is faced with an almost impossible decision, to choose her life or follow her destiny. If she doesn’t intercede, people will certainly die. If she does, her own life could be at stake. In the end, if she fails, she’ll lose everything.

Awaken was a really intense and kind of powerful read. There is a lot going on. There is mystery mixed with paranormal mixed with romance and action, plus characters you love and characters you want to die a slow and painful death. I haven’t read a book that had this much going on and where it worked so well in a long time. Sometimes it can feel like a cluster you know what when a book tries to do too much, but not with Awaken. I can already tell that this is bound to be a favorite series of mine.

Bre is unique because she isn’t just a straight tough girl kitt butt character but she isn’t overly weak either. She is a mixture of both, and because of this she was very realistic. People aren’t just tough all the time or wimpy all the time. Bre had a hard time letting go of her D-bag boyfriend Josh. Who, by the way I wanted to stab in the eye every single time he opened his jerky mouth. I couldn’t stand him. But eventually she kicked him to the curb and I may have cheered in my head when that happened. Ok, fine, I totally did let out some woot woots! (I really hated josh)

But who needs Josh when there are also Austin and Collin around, who are actually great guys. I thought for sure that I would be team Austin because he was just so nice to Bre and he was so there for her and compared to Josh, Austin is guy gold! But then Collin showed up. And he didn’t show up until at least half way through the book, which was a little strange to me, but as soon as he was there I couldn’t look at anyone else. Collin just seems so right for Bre. Austin is a great friend to her but I had a hard time seeing him as anything else.

What was great about Awaken is that there is always something going on. Between the paranormal premonitions, which was done really cool by the way, there was also this mystery that kind of surrounded everything. And at the heart of the mystery for me was Eve. I just wanted to figure out what was going on with that girl. The next book is going to be just as epic as this one was, I can just tell. Sometimes you just know when a book is going to work for you, and Awaken just clicked for me. The writing is awesomely detailed and flows perfectly. I never thought the pacing was too fast or too slow, the characters were all developed and the plot was so intriguing. I need the second book right now.

4.5/5 Gavels
Jaime grew up in a small town in Northern California. Having a passion for dance and music, she never would have thought herself to become an author.
In late 2008, Jaime found the pieces of her novel beginning to take form and a story was born. Soon she had a full novel in her hands and a writer was developed. Awaken is Jaime’s first published novel. With many features still in the works, this debut novel is just a taste of the action-packed romantic thrillers to come from this aspiring new author.
Jaime now lives in Nevada with her husband and three boys. Loving life, and living a dream.
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12 responses to “{Review+Giveaway} Awaken by Jaime Guerard

  1. Love the cover. The cover alone is enough to make me want to read the book. If there is that much creativity on the outside, one can only imagine what’s on the inside

  2. Ooohhh, this sounds REALLY GOOD, Michelle! I am definitely intrigued by the blurb and your review. And I absolutely love the cover — the colors are great, I love that the iris of the eye is golden and that it has the Roman numerals on it as if it we’re a clock….kinda creepy and wacky! I enjoy intense reads, for sure, and I look forward to picking this one up! Thanks for being on the tour and thus introducing this one to me, as I hadn’t heard of it yet 🙂

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