Sunday Post (1)

June 17, 2012 update 22

Hey guys! I stopped participating in memes a while ago, but I decided that I wanted to do something to recap my weeks. There are a ton of new memes out there but I chose the Sunday Post meme, hosted by Kimba @ Kimba the Caffeinated Reader for two reasons.

1. Kimba is awesome!
2. I like that she describes the Sunday Post as a weekly recap. This way I can not only show you the books that I  got this week, but also reviews and giveaways from the week in case you missed anything

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. Sunday post is a way to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 

I have been really trying to limit my review books that I accept because I really want to get my TBR pile under control, but I still accepted a few and then I bought two books for a Richelle Mead signing I was going to! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Books I got  for review:

Beautifully Broken by Sherry Soule (ebook for review from Author)
Charade (Heven and Hell #2) by Cambria Hebert (ebook for review from Author)
What Kills Me by Wynne Channing (ebook for review from Author)

Books I won:

Books I Bought: 

Bloodlines by Richelle Mead (signed hardcover!!)
The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead (Signed Hardcover!!)

Reviews from this week (this was a small review week but a good one! Both 4.5 gavels)

Giveaways that are currently open. Have you entered them all?

So that is everything for me this week! What did you guys get this week? Leave links in the comments below and I will come and check it out ๐Ÿ™‚ 

If you enjoyed this post, please Subscribe to Book Briefs in a reader

Michelle @ Book Briefs

22 Responses to “Sunday Post (1)”

  1. Kristilyn (Reading in Winter)

    Great books! I was just in a conversation on Twitter today about the Richelle Mead books. I loved the Vampire Academy series and was so bummed about how the Rose love triangle ended up … I’m so happy that my favourite character is in these books! I’m really going to have to pick them up soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I hear you about getting the TBR pile under control. That’s what I’ve been doing lately. More so getting through the books that I’ve been dying to read and just haven’t found the time for. I’m getting there!

    Happy reading! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Michelle Chew

    The cover for What Kills Me is really fantastic! I love the waves!

    I have the first three books to Vampire Academy and have yet to read it. The series seem good! The Bloodlines cover is so pretty!

    Happy reading, Michelle!

    What I received

  3. Faye (Daydreaming_Star)

    OOoh, What Kills Me looks really fascinating! Look forward to your thoughts on that! I really need to read Masquerade because Charade looks amazing too and I have heard so many great things!

    Everyone got Golden Lilly this week, I feel I should read this series at some point too! Haha.

    Hope you enjoy all your books this week Michelle!

    Here’s my Letterbox Love for this week!

    Faye ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Misa G.

    Ooh. I haven’t yet read any books in the Bloodlines series or the Possession series, but they’re on my wishlist! Enjoy!

    Oh, and also – thanks for reminding me to add that ‘subscribe by email’ thing to my blog! Another new blog – I always forget something xD Anyhow, it’s up now!

    Skyway Avenue Reads

  5. Barbara W.

    You had a terrific book haul this week. I can’t believe I haven’t read a single Richelle Mead book yet. What Kills Me has a gorgeous cover, I’m going to have to look that one up.

    Happy reading!

    My Sunday Post
    (I’m a new Linky follower)

  6. Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings

    Hey girl! I like this meme for the same reasons. I was never a fan of IMM and I like recappg and highlighting events on my blog. Ahh! a signed copy of Golden Lily! Way cool!
    I can’t wait to read it! Have a great week!

  7. kimbacaffeinate

    Aww you are too sweet! Awesome haul..i too am trying to limit my haul but alas I fail each week! I am curious about What Kills Me and Beautifully the covers and cannot wait for your reviews. ooh and you got a signed book how awesome is that. Thanks for being a part of the Sunday Post! I am off to see if I missed any of your posts!

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  9. Jennifer

    Nice stack of goodies. I’ve had Bloodlines for longer than I care to admit and still haven’t read it. I’m so ashamed. LOL. The Golden Lily sounds even more interesting…guess it’s time to dust of Bloodlines and get with the program. Enjoy your books.

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