Review- Cold Kiss by Amy Garvey

Posted September 22, 2011 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews / 16 Comments

Cold Kiss by Amy Garvey

Hardcover336 pages
Published September 20th 2011 by HarperTeen
Age Group: YA
Source: NetGalley
Buy this Book: Cold Kiss

Summary (from Goodreads)

When her boyfriend, Danny, is killed in a car accident, Wren can’t imagine living without him. Wild with grief, she uses the untamed powers she’s inherited to bring him back. But the Danny who returns is just a shell of the boy she once loved.
Wren has spent four months keeping Danny hidden, while her life slowly unravels around her. Then Gabriel DeMarnes transfers to her school and somehow, inexplicably, he can sense her secret. Wren finds herself drawn to Gabriel, who is so much more alive than the ghost of the boy she loved. But Wren can’t turn her back on Danny or the choice she made for him—and she realizes she must find a way to make things right, even if it means breaking her own heart.
Amy Garvey’s transcendent teen debut is perfect for fans of Shiver and Beautiful Creatures. Wren’s unforgettable voice and story will stay with readers long after the last page is turned. 

This was a really unique book. I have not read many books about bringing back the dead. I liked it! I genuinely had no idea how everything was going to get resolved(or not resolved), so I had no problem staying interested in the story.

It was strange because the character that I connected most with was not the main girl, Wren. Instead, I connected with Gabriel. I loved Gabriel. He was patient and helpful and really kind. Way more understanding than I would have been in his situation. My feelings for wren were kind of all over the place. There were times that I felt bad for her, and just as many(if not more) times when I was annoyed with her. And my annoyance level ranged from slight to overwhelming. I can understand that she missed him and didn’t know how to deal with her loss, but then the way she would treat Danny would rub me the wrong way. I know she didn’t know what to do or how to react, but she felt like the cold one at times. And then when Gabriel was being so nice and trying to help, she got too snippy in my opinion.

I warmed up to her slightly in the end, but it was mostly because of how much Gabriel liked her. I liked him so much that some of my fondness for him rubbed off on Wren. I’m not sure if this is going to be a series or not, but I kind of want to know what is going to happen with Gabriel and Wren. I think there could be a really cool book about them and about Wren’s powers.
Cold Kiss was a really good read. I enjoyed it- I just think my annoyance with Wren prevented me from full out falling in love with it. However, Amy Garvey’s writing was Wren’s saving grace. The situation was what really annoyed me about her, but the really beautiful writing in Cold Kiss got me to see past that (most of the time) and it was almost enough for me to be on team Wren. She still bugged me though. Danny and Gabriel were the stars of the book for me. Which in a way, is a good thing- two hot guys. Can’t go wrong with that! I would recommend this book to others, it is definitely worth checking out!

3.5/5 Gavels.

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16 responses to “Review- Cold Kiss by Amy Garvey

  1. I have an ARC of this one, but I put off reading it because my TBR pile is TOPPLING! But this sounds awesome, based on your review – thanks, Michelle!

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog the other day and for the honest review of Cold Kiss! I haven’t read too many reviews for the novel nor heard too much about it, so it hasn’t quite been on my radar… I always find it harder to enjoy a novel when I can’t connect with the characters too well either. Thanks again!

  3. I’ve been intrigued with the premise of this book ever since I first heard of it and after just reading the blurb, I was able to tell that I wouldn’t be a big fan of Wren myself, were I to read the book. I’m hoping to read it soon and your review has helped me toward this decision. Great review!

    Sarah @ Random Thoughts of a Confused Adolescent

  4. This is one that I’ve been really interested in. I’ll definitely have to check it out. It seems lately a lot of main characters are annoying and the side characters are the relate-able ones, I wonder if it’s becoming a trend.

  5. Is kind of creepy bringing back you boyfriend from the dead. I´m not to much into ghost books mainly for the scary part.
    But sounds interesting and worth try it.

  6. If I loved a boyfriend of mine that had died I’m not sure I would bring him back from the dead, I think you have to let them rest.
    I’m gutted that I haven’t read this yet! I had to flip a coin to get Cold Kiss or Vampire Academy Graphic Novel. And though I enjoyed the VA graphic novel I think I could have left it to read a Cold Kiss first. By the sound of this review I’d really enjoy it.

  7. The plot sounds so awesome! A dead boyfriend brought back to life and a new human guy? What a unique love triangle! Aw, Gabriel sounds like a great guy! I would definitely read this book!

  8. ann

    Her boyfriend dies in a accident and she brings him back with her inherited powers but its not really him its basically a shell of him. When a new guy comes in the the picture ( a life one) things start changing drastically for her.

    amhengst at verizon dot net

  9. I’ve been on the fence about reading Cold Kiss. It sounds interesting but something makes me hold back…maybe I’ll read it eventually. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  10. I have had this book on my tbr list. Your review puts me on the fence about reading it. Maybe it’ll just stay on the back burner for awhile unless a sequel comes out.

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