This is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at
Book Journey. This meme is where people talk about the books they have read last week, the books they are currently reading this week, and what they hope to read next up. I decided it would be fun to participate in this meme because I thought it would be a fun way to keep my TBR pile in order.Books I finished last week
- Fade (book 2 in the Dream Catcher trilogy) by Lisa McMann (my review)
- Gone (book 3 in the Dream Catcher Trilogy) by Lisa McMann(my review)
- Abandon by Meg Cabot
- Tower of Parlen Min by Matt Xell
- Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe
- Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
- Midnight Alley (book 3 in the Morganville Vampires) by Rachel Caine
Books I am reading this week:
- A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
- Wildefire by Karsten Knight
- Solid by Shelley Workinger
Books I will be reading next:
- Feast of Fools by Rachel Caine
- The Map of Time by Felix j. Palma
- The secret spiral by Gillian Neimark
This was a great week for me book wise. i participated in a read a thon and I read tons of great books 🙂
What are you reading this week?
I really enjoyed A Great and Terrible Beauty. Enjoy your week and your books.
My Monday: