Category: Uncategorized

The Unwilling By Kelly Braffet

Publisher: MIRA Categories: Historical Fantasy, Fantasy, Fiction, Epic Fantasy On Sale Date: February  11, 2020 Publication Month: February 2020 ISBN: 9781488055393 Praise for THE UNWILLING“Kelly Braffet is extraordinary… Familiar yet entirely unique, The Unwilling is the sort of story that seeps under your skin and pulses there, intimate and vibrant and alive. Fantasy at its […]

Posted February 20, 2020 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

{Interview+Giveaway} Horseshoes and Hand Grenades by S.M. Stevens @SMStevens17 #HAHG #AlmostCounts

{Interview+Giveaway} Horseshoes and Hand Grenades by S.M. Stevens @SMStevens17 #HAHG #AlmostCounts

Describe Horseshoes and Hand Grenadesin a tweet.  Does “almost count” in more than horseshoes and hand grenades? Two young women learn it does in this #MeToo-themed, coming-of-age novel set in a Boston PR agency. Can you tell us something we would be surprised to learn about your two main characters, Shelby and Astrid?  They have more […]

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Spellhacker by M.K. England

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Spellhacker by M.K. England

Spellhacker is a young adult standalone fantasy by M.K. England. This book was so much fun! Heists, magic, romance, and a motley crew of diverse characters. Yes, yes, and heck yes! I can see so many people totally falling in love with this novel. Heists, especially heists invovling magic are pretty much irresistible to me, […]