{Review+Giveaway} Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson @morgan_m @simonteen @RockstarBkTours

Posted May 16, 2021 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews, Young Adult / 0 Comments

{Review+Giveaway} Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson @morgan_m @simonteen @RockstarBkTours

{Review+Giveaway} Take Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson @morgan_m @simonteen @RockstarBkToursTake Me Home Tonight by Morgan Matson
Pages: 416
on May 4, 2021
Genres: contemporary, Young Adult
Source: Paperback ARC from Publisher

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

meets Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist in this romp through the city that never sleeps from the New York Times bestselling author of Since You’ve Been Gone, Morgan Matson.

Two girls. One night. Zero phones.

Kat and Stevie—best friends, theater kids, polar opposites—have snuck away from the suburbs to spend a night in New York City. They have it all planned out. They’ll see a play, eat at the city’s hottest restaurant, and have the best. Night.
Ever. What could go wrong?

Well. Kind of a lot?

They’re barely off the train before they’re dealing with destroyed phones, family drama, and unexpected Pomeranians. Over the next few hours, they’ll have to grapple with old flames, terrible theater, and unhelpful cab drivers. But there are also cute boys to kiss, parties to crash, dry cleaning to deliver (don’t ask), and the world’s best museum to explore.

Over the course of a wild night in the city that never sleeps, both Kat and Stevie will get a wake-up call about their friendship, their choices…and finally discover what they really want for their future.
That is, assuming they can make it to Grand Central before the clock strikes midnight.


YA Review

My Thoughts

Take Me Home Tonight is a young adult contemporary by Morgan Matson. I really enjoy Morgan Matson’s books because she is wonderful at creating stories that are full of heart and feature realistic teenage characters finding out who they want to be, and Take Me Home Tonight is a great example of this. I loved this book. It was so much fun and completely took me by surprise.

In Take Me Home Tonight we meet our main characters Kat, Teri and Stevie. The book is told in multiple points of view. Kat and Stevie plan a big night out in New York City for Stevie’s birthday and things kind of spiral out of control from there. They go off on an epic adventure of their own. And that is all I am going to tell you because the summary of the book leaves it off there and I was absolutely delighted at the surprising directions this book went off in. There are lots of side characters that weave into the various plotlines. There is so much going on this book and I had a blast while reading- kidnapping, friendships, fights, revelations, and perhaps the scariest of all…no cell phones! Oh the horror!

Out of the three girls Teri was my favorite. I felt so bad for her. Her storyline was completely bonkers. Fun and very surprising, but very out there. Kat and Stevi are wonderful friends but like with many friendships, sometimes people get annoyed at each other and sometimes friends fight. This is one of the things that I appreciate most about Morgan Matson’s books, she writes books about relationships that feel very real.

Overall, if you are looking for a contemporary standalone that is a wild ride with a big group of characters and different interwoven storylines, then I think you will enjoy Take me Home Tonight. It was a fun book that was not at all like I expected.



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