{Interview+Giveaway} Going Places by Kathryn Berla

Posted June 8, 2018 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Interview, Young Adult / 1 Comment

{Interview+Giveaway} Going Places by Kathryn BerlaGoing Places by Kathryn Berla
Pages: 275
Published by Amberjack Publishing on March 20, 2018
Genres: Young Adult, contemporary

Hudson Wheeler is a teen for whom everyone had high expectations, but since his father was killed when he was ten, he's felt unmotivated to pursue much other than his art. During his senior year, he decides to home school, thinking he will get to relax and focus on his two lazy businesses. But instead, he experiences love and rejection for the first time; meets an athletic girl who shows him by example what it means to be a man; and solves the painful mystery of the WWII vet whose poignant plight forces Hudson out of the comfort zone of boyhood.


I am super excited to have Kathryn Berla here today to share her new novel, Going Places. She has stopped by for an interview and there is also a fun giveaway at the bottom of the post, so be sure to enter that! Thank you so much for being here today Kathryn!

  • Describe Going Places in a Tweet (140 characters or less)

Hudson chooses homeschooling as a way to coast through his senior year of high school in this coming-of-age, but fate has other plans.

  • What is something we would be surprised to learn about Hudson?

You might be surprised to learn that as a child, Hudson had a bottlecap collection and raised orchids. And after college, he became an excellent cook.

  • What was the hardest part about writing Going Places? What was the best part?

I’m very protective of Hudson who’s patterned after someone close to me, so the hardest part was allowing him to be hurt. But you can only be hurt if you open yourself to life and everything it throws at you so that was also the best part because no one fully lives who isn’t open to both the good and the bad.

  • What books have you been loving this year?

I just finished EDUCATED which was amazing and has become my new favorite memoir (replacing The Glass Castle). Two novels I’ve recently read and loved were THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS and THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END.

  • When you were Hudson’s age, what did you want to be “when you grew up”?

At Hudson’s age, I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. If someone had forced me to make a decision I would have chosen professional dancer, famous singer, or author. Since I have no talent for the first two, it’s a good thing I chose writing. But seriously, at Hudson’s age all I wanted to do was have fun and experience life.

  • What plotline are you totally over right now? What are you hoping to see more of in fiction?

I’m not really over any plotline. I like to read anything that’s told in an original way with a unique voice. I’m hoping to see more books published because of their literary merit or entertainment value instead of simply being a member of a trendy genre.

  • If we had an author talent show, what would your talent be?

Hmmm…. if I can’t say my talent is writing, then I guess I’d have to say it would be talking, reading, and watching movies and Netflix. If those aren’t talents, then I’m plain out of luck ?

Author Kathryn Berla stops by @BookBriefs for an #Interview & #Giveaway of her new novel, Going Places @BerlaKathryn. Check it out! Share on X


To enter, fill out the rafflecopter below to win a copy of Going Places (US only)

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