{Review} Real Good Love by @Meghan_March

Posted January 18, 2017 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in New Adult, Reviews / 3 Comments

{Review} Real Good Love by @Meghan_MarchReal Good Love by meghan march
Pages: 250
Published by Red Dress Press on January 17, 2017
Series: Real Duet #2
Genres: New Adult, contemporary, Romance
Source: eARC from Author

From USA Today bestselling author Meghan March comes a sexy new duet with a hero you won't want to miss.

I’ve had my fair share of bad boys, but nothing prepared me for what it was like to be with a real good man.

Logan Brantley changed everything.

Somewhere along the way, what started as a fling became the best part of my life.

He makes me want all the things I’ve never had, like forever and happily ever after, but nothing worth having comes easily.

Everyone is betting on us to fail, but I’m ready to fight for this real good love.

Real Good Love is the conclusion of the Real Duet and should be read following Real Good Man.

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.

NA ReviewMy ThoughtsReal Good Love is the conclusion of the Real Duet and should be read following Real Good Man.
If you are new to the Real Series, you can check out my review of Real Good Man HERE

Real Good Love is the second (and final) book in a new adult romance duet by author Meghan March. I am really loving this series set up style. I love having a duet to continue a couple’s story. Sometimes one book is just not enough, but you don’t need a full blown series. I am hoping to read more books set up in this fashion, and I am definitely hoping to read more books by Meghan March. I love her writing. She is quickly working her way up the ranks into favorite romance author territory.

Real Good Love is told in dual narrative between Banner and Logan. Book one, Real Good Man, left off in one humdinger of a spot. And I wasn’t too sure how I was going to like the direction the story was going in. But I was pleasantly surprised. I called one of the surprises with Banner’s cranky old lady neighbor. (As a side note, I would have loved to have gotten a look at her estate plan because a 30 million dollar estate is a trust drafters. Is she paying estate tax? Did she have multiple charitable trusts or family foundations? I need to know! Sorry, I know, I am the only one even remotely excited by the prospect of getting a peek at her trust documents. Everyone else simply sees dollar signs. As another aside, the estate planner in me absolutely loved that Meghan decided to set up a pet trust for her dog. I love a good pet trust! I know Meghan is an attorney and I have to say she got the estate planning aspect of it almost entirely right. The only glitch is that a trust administration would not be a quick process, but for the flow of the story I understand why she did it that way. Legal fangirling over…)

What you are all more interested in is the romance. And the romance in Real Good Love was every bit as awesome as it was in the first book. I love Banner and Logan. This is a series that you need to read in order. Real Good Love picks up right after Real Good Man leaves off. The romance in this one was great, but I was also intrigued by the drug side storyline. Overall, I liked everything about this story. The characters make you want to root for them and the romance is saucy and sassy. Just the way I like it.

Bottom Line: Real Good Man and Real Good Love is a fantastic romance duet. I loved the chemistry between Banner and Logan. I loved their real man comments, and I love watching the two of them banter. Banner and Logan are both really good people and I really enjoyed their story. Meghan March write romances that I love to read, and Real Duet is no exception. I want more!

Real Good Love by @Meghan_March is a Real Good Romance. See @BookBriefs #review #Romance #RealDuet Share on X



About meghan march

Meghan March is the author of contemporary and erotic romance novels.

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure.  She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at meghanmarchbooks@gmail.com.

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3 responses to “{Review} Real Good Love by @Meghan_March

  1. danielle hammelef

    I haven’t read this author’s books before. I’ll hve to cheack them out–I love romance and when two characters have great chemistry.

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