{Review+Giveaway} Destroy Me by Shana Vanterpool @shanavauthor @swoonromance

Posted March 10, 2016 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, Giveaways, New Adult, Reviews / 0 Comments

{Review+Giveaway} Destroy Me by Shana Vanterpool @shanavauthor @swoonromanceDestroy Me by Shana Vanterpool
Pages: 275
Published by Swoon Romance on March 8, 2016
Series: Crystal Gulf #1
Genres: New Adult, contemporary, Romance
Source: eARC from Publisher

DESTROY ME is book one in the New Adult romance Crystal Gulf Series.

Bach lives his life with honesty and without restraints, happy to be known as a sexy as all hell, unapologetic asshole.
When he drinks, he drinks hard.

When he wants a woman, he makes sure she knows it.
When he opens his mouth, it’s either to piss someone off or to turn someone on.

You can normally find him with one hand on a bottle and one hand on a woman, trying to forget his past.

Harley Evans is a twenty-one-year-old year old college student. She's a good girl who fell hard for Dylan, who’d promised her forever. But Dylan, Bach’s best buddy, lied.

He enlisted in the Army, crushing Harley with equal parts anger and sadness. She’d already lost her father to that choice. Heartbroken, she falls back into depression.

Stuck in Crystal Gulf all summer with little to do, Harley needs a distraction. Enter Bach, sexy as f*#ck distraction, ready and willing.
Dylan’s not all bad though. Before he left, he asked Bach to watch out for Harley, knowing she’d never go for a guy like Bach. She’s too good for him. Too good for anyone.

But Dylan was wrong. He never should have left them together. Bach is there to pick up the pieces Dylan left behind. Soon pieces aren't enough. He wants more, needs more Harley.

DESTROY ME is dark, sexy, heartbreaking, and intoxicating.

Note: This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.

NA ReviewMy Thoughts

Destroy me is the first book in the Crystal Gulf series. Destroy me is a new adult contemporary romance by Shana Vanterpool. The Crystal Gulf series is published by swoon romance, and I know this might sound silly, but that fact right there made me want to read the book. I have had such great luck with all of the Swoon Romance imprint books that I have read. (and I have read a lot of them.) Some of them are light and fluffy, some of them are suspenseful and full of drama, and some of them take on darker undertones, but regardless of the atmosphere of the book, they all have one thing in common- a kick ass romance. And Destroy Me is no different. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a fluffy light have no care romance. Destroy Me, as the name implies, is deliciously twisted and messed up. The characters all have their demons, none of them act perfectly, but their genuine chemistry seeps off the page. I could not tear myself away.

Destroy Me is told in dual narrative between Harley (p.s. I love her name!) and Bach. Harley is dating Dylan, who blindsides her by telling her he is going to the army for two years. Dylan asks Bach to watch out for Harley because they didn’t leave on good terms and he wants her to wait for him. Plus, Dyan knows Harley would never go for a guy like Bach. Famous last words, right?

I so easily became addicted to Harley and Bach. I loved their bantering and bickering, and I really just loved who they were when they were together. I know there was no shortage of messed up things that went on in Destory Me, but I just could not tear myself away. If you like your new adult romances with some grit and some darker tones, this is a great book for you to check out. I can’t wait to see who is going to be featured in the next story. I kind of want it to be Harley’s crazy roommate and not Dylan.

blue4Like your romances Dark & Sexy with some Gret? Check out Destroy Me by @shanavauthor @swoonromance @BookBriefs #review Share on X


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About Shana Vanterpool

When I walk into a book store I feel at home. When I smell the pages of a brand new book things make sense. When I read I am who I always wanted to be. I read to escape and I write so others can as well. My family, my actress dog Bella, coffee, and a steamy love story are a few of my most precious things. My Sweet Demise is my debut new-adult contemporary romance novel. Keep up to date with future releases by following on Twitter


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