{ARC Review+Giveaway} Biggest Flirts by Jennifer Echols

Posted May 14, 2014 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Reviews, Young Adult / 10 Comments

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Biggest Flirts by Jennifer Echols

{ARC Review+Giveaway} Biggest Flirts by Jennifer EcholsBiggest Flirts by Jennifer Echols
Pages: 336
Published by Simon and Schuster, Simon Pulse on May 20, 2014
Genres: contemporary, Love & Romance, Young Adult
Source: ARC from Publisher

Tia and Will’s lives get flipped upside down when they’re voted Yearbook’s Biggest Flirts in this sassy novel from the author of Endless Summer and The One That I Want.

Tia just wants to have fun. She’s worked hard to earn her reputation as the life of the party, and she’s ready for a carefree senior year of hanging out with friends and hooking up with cute boys. And her first order of business? New guy Will. She can’t get enough of his Midwestern accent and laidback swagger. As the sparks start to fly, Will wants to get serious.

Tia’s seen how caring too much has left her sisters heartbroken, and she isn’t interested in commitment. But pushing Will away drives him into the arms of another girl. Tia tells herself it’s no big deal…until the yearbook elections are announced. Getting voted Biggest Flirts with Will is, well, awkward. They may just be friends, but their chemistry is beginning to jeopardize Will’s new relationship—and causing Tia to reconsider her true feelings.

What started as a lighthearted fling is about to get very complicated…


YA Review

My Thoughts

Biggest Flirts is my first book by Jennifer Echols. (I know, what the heck have I been waiting for??) It was a lot of fun, and I love the idea behind the series. Each book will focus on different characters from this high school and they will center around which superlative they may be awarded in the year book. Since this book was a cute and fun summer read. Light and breezy with a few “issues” sprinkled throughout, it has the potential to be a fantastic summer series. I can easily see myself gobbling up book after book outside by the pool. 

This was the story of Will and Tia, and they were voted….wait for it….Biggest Flirts! I bet you didn’t see that one coming, huh? When the book started, I immediately got this flirt vibe from Tia so it was no surprise to me that she would be nominated, but Will didn’t strike me that way at the start. My opinions on the two of them actually flipped as I was reading the book. Tia has some issues because of her older sisters dealings with guys. Because of that she keeps guys at a distance, only hooking up and never dating, but she came off as a little skanky to me at first. And Will came off as a total sweetie. But then when school started Will was flirting with Tia and dating someone else, and he went down a little in my book. 

Don’t worry though, the more I saw Will and Tia together the more they won me over with their bantering dynamic. I ended up enjoying both of them a lot. The plot uses the good ole: “Pretend-to-be-flirty/dating/fill in the blank,until-the-fake-feelings-turn-into-real-ones. But that cliche completely works for me. It was a lot of fun to read. I also loved Tia’s friends, and I can’t wait to see what their superlatives books will be. The writing in Biggest Flirts is smart and keeps the tone of the book very upbeat. Biggest Flirts is great for flirty fun if you are looking to get lost in a nice book for a couple of hours.




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About Jennifer Echols

Jennifer Echols was born in Atlanta and grew up in a small town on a beautiful lake in Alabama—a setting that has inspired many of her books. She has written nine romantic novels for young adults, including the comedy MAJOR CRUSH, which won the National Readers’ Choice Award, and the drama GOING TOO FAR, which was a finalist in the RITA, the National Readers’ Choice Award, and the Book Buyer’s Best, and was nominated by the American Library Association as a Best Book for Young Adults. Simon & Schuster will debut her adult romance novels in 2013, with many more teen novels scheduled for the next few years. She lives in Birmingham with her husband and her son.

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10 responses to “{ARC Review+Giveaway} Biggest Flirts by Jennifer Echols

  1. I haven’t read anything from Echols! You’re not alone in this. This book does sound like something I should pick up for a light read. It’s summer here in Manila, and this sounds perfect!

  2. Brit M.

    I haven’t read anything by Jennifer Echols either! I like when books are in the same universe as each other, not exactly in a series but feature the same characters. This was a great review. Thanks!

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