{ARC Review+G!veaway} The Torn Wing by Kiki Hamilton

Posted October 1, 2012 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in Reviews / 46 Comments

THE TORN WING by Kiki Hamilton

Genre: YA/Myth
Pages: 318 

Publication Date: October 2, 2012 by Fair Winds Books 

Source: ARC from Author

Challenge(s):  Young adult reading challenge, 150+ reading challenge, Sophomore Reading challenge,  sensational seconds challenge

Buy this Book:Amazon

Summary(from Goodreads):

A bloody escape, a deadly threat, a shocking revelation…
Tiki’s greatest fear suddenly becomes all too real: the fey have returned to London seeking revenge. As war escalates in the Otherworld, Queen Victoria’s youngest son, Prince Leopold, is attacked. In order to protect her family and those she loves, Tiki needs to know the meaning of an fáinne sí, the birthmark that winds around her wrist. But will she be brave enough to face the truth? 

Just like when I picked up The Faerie Ring, The Torn Wing transported me back to Victorian London. I love Kiki Hamilton’s writing so much. I read another review and they described the writing as “weaving” and that is such a perfect description because it is completely true. Kiki is the master of weaving in details and backstory and description. It makes reading so exciting, and it makes me go from enjoying a book to getting sucked into its pages and falling in love with it. Kiki’s writing made me fall in love with The Faerie Ring and its sequel The Torn Wing.

I loved The Faerie Ring for the magical world that was created and I was so happy to get to live within its pages again. The Torn Wing is every bit as magical and awesome as the first book. I love the mix of history and magic and secrets. It is just so cool. Plus you get to spend more time with Tiki and her family and they are just the best!

We find out lots more in The Torn Wing and I feel like we are finally getting some answers. I love uncovering secrets and there certainly was a lot of that in this book. It is just such an enjoyable ride. I can’t wait to read the next book. This is turning out to be a favorite series for me.

Kiki Hamilton is great about laying a bit of a foundation for those that may not have remembered everything from the first book. But she doesn’t do too much of it so that it gets annoying. Another reason why her writing rocks. She is great about balancing detail. Never too much or too little. I need the next book asap!! 

4.5/5 Gavels

Kiki Hamilton


Kiki Hamilton is the author of THE FAERIE RING fantasy series. She believes in magic and the idea of hidden worlds co-existing with our own. Kiki lives near Seattle, though she dreams of living in London one day. Visit her website at: 

Kiki is going to give away a signed copy of THE TORN WING to someone just for commenting during the blog tour.

To Enter: Just leave a comment on this post or any other Torn Wing tour stop post this week. 

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46 responses to “{ARC Review+G!veaway} The Torn Wing by Kiki Hamilton

  1. Ahh I have been really wanting to read this series, I love the premise and the covers are spectacular. Plus I have some really good things….I just am going to have to invite Kiki on my blog, that is the best way to get a book read!

  2. thank you a lot for this review, i’m really happy to see you enjoyed it because you nevcer disappointed me so far

    and yes the cover are so good in this serie but i like purple so teh one for town wing is my favorite so far


  3. Wonderful review. I love what you said about how the author weaves the details and backstory. I’m happy to know that she reminds the reader what happened in the first book without spending too much time rehashing it. That can be frustrating sometimes when I crack open the second book excited to see what happens and spend far too much time going over information I already knew.

  4. I’ve read great reviews for The Faerie Ring, so both of these are definitely on my TBR list!

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!
    leannessf at gmail dot com

  5. Hey Michelle! Thanks so much for participating in The Readiacs blog tour and for your review of THE TORN WING! You’re one of the first to post a review and I’m so glad you liked it!!

    Thank you for your support and thank you to everyone who commented! Check my blog on Friday for the winner of a signed copy of THE TORN WING.

  6. Natasha

    Great review! Sounds like a really good read! Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  7. The Faerie Ring is an absolute favorite book for me. I went into it hoping I would love it but skeptical. Turns out, I loved it in a huge way. Thanks so much for the review, and for the giveaway. What an awesome prize, I must say!


    (Sorry I erased the previous entry. I really didn’t mean to. I thought I was about to edit it. I am just too darn tired.)

  8. Christina Kit.

    This sounds so so awesome! I love the sound of the historical setting.

    Thank you:)

    ccfioriole at gmail dot com

  9. Great review! This series sounds really interesting – I can’t wait to read it! Thanks for the giveaway!


  10. Suz

    I love fantasy books and these sound great! You mentioned the great mix of “history and magic and secrets” so I can’t wait to read these books! Thanks for this amazing giveaway – I would love to win!

    susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

  11. I haven’t read the 1st book yet but from what I’ve heard this is an exceptional writer.I can’t wait to see how she weaves details & descriptions together to make this magical story. I’ve read other reviews that also say it’s great. Thanks for being apart of the blog tour & giveaway.

  12. Wow I’ve heard some amazing things about these books! I need to get on reading them! Specially since both are out! Guess this means a trip to the bookstore. How will I survive? 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

    <3Inky @ bookhavenextraordinaire.blogspot.com

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