{Character Interview+G!veaway} Masters of the Veil by

Posted May 24, 2012 by Michelle @ Book Briefs in character interview, Giveaways, Interview / 4 Comments

I have been SUPER busy lately, so the blog has been a little quiet, but hopefully I will be able to pre-schedule a lot of posts this weekend so next week is nice and full of fun stuff! And now I have a character interview from Masters of the Veil! oh yea, and there is a sweet $100 giveaway at the bottom of the post too! 🙂
So before “Masters of the Veil,” happened, Dan sat down and interviewed some of his characters. We won’t get into the details of how Dan got into Atlas Crown (the magical community where the story takes place), but let’s just say it wasn’t easy.
Super short character bios:
Sam Lock: High school football star. Popular, sociable, and knows nothing about magic… yet.
Daphne Sunder: Beautiful, intelligent, and one of the most popular young sorcerers in Atlas Crown.
Cassiella Pyx: Shy, kind, and sort of nerdy. Even though she keeps a low profile, she is also one of the more powerful young sorcerers.
Glissandro Thicket: Glissandro is a young, mute sorcerer who speaks magically through music. He uses the horn of a skull-wolf to create his musical language. He also keeps to himself.
Petir LaVink: Grumpy young sorcerer. He hates outsiders. VERY good at magic.
Rona Rono: Teaches the best young sorcerers in Atlas Crown (Daphne, Cassiella, Glissandro, and Petir). Was a tribal king in Africa before he was brought to Atlas Crown.
May: Liaison from Atlas Crown to the outside world.
Here are some of the highlights of the interview.
Dan asked: “What’s your dream in life?”
Sam Lock: I’m living it, baby! Did you see how many scouts were at my last game?
Petir LaVink: You don’t belong here (at this point, Petir raises his second-skin* at Dan). You’re lucky May says you’re ok, or I would… You know what? I’m leaving (he leaves the room in a huff).
Daphne: Easy. I’m going to be head grower some day. Can you Just imagine being in charge of the seven grow fields? Just being around all the animals, and plants, and colors. It’s like the most important job in Atlas Crown.
Cassiella: I don’t know. I guess… I don’t know. It would be nice to meet somebody (she looks down at her feet). Can we go to the next question?
Glissandro: <Translated from music> To be the first in my family to go through mystical Omani** I want to make my brother proud.
*A hand covering made from magical materials, which allows you to “grip” the Veil. Essentially, it’s how you do magic.
**Coming of age ceremony that determines what branch of magic you study

Dan asked: “What’s your favorite thing to do?”
Sam Lock: (Picks at his football jersey) Seriously?
Daphne: Well, me and my girlfriends love to go to the hot springs and relax. (She shrugs) And it doesn’t hurt that there’s usually some cute guys there.
Glissandro: <Translated> The Tinker Hut. You should see all the magical contraptions he has. Buttons that change the fabric of your robe, dancing figures, detectors, little globes that you shake and it snows around you. And there’s always something new.
Cassiella: I like the library.
Rona Rono: I teach. There’s nothing I like more. The first time one of my students drapes* an object, well, there’s no better feeling.
*Draping is a magical technique that involves wrapping the Veil around something to give it magical properties.
Dan asked: “What’s the most impressive magic you’re ever seen performed?”
Sam Lock: (Grinning like an idiot) Did you say magic? You mean figuratively, right? Because there was this one-handed catch I had where I dove [rest of answer omitted because of extreme length].
Daphne: One time I was with May in the grow fields and she called like every bird in Atlas Crown. Thousand of birds, every color imaginable, all came and May tossed handfuls of seeds into the air and the birds each caught one and flew away. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. There was no chaos. The birds all fell in line like a dance. May said that another magical community had lost one of their fields—she never told me how—so she was sending a new one. It doesn’t get much better than natural magic.
Cassiella: I love watching Rona. He can drape anything. He made me a wooden flower that only blooms on the full moon, but when it opens up it gives off whatever smell would make me most happy. Last moon it smelled like honey and nettle-melon. 
Rona Rono: (His eyes darken) If you don’t mind, I’d like to skip that question.

Life can’t get much better for Sam Lock. Popular, good-looking, and with a future as a professional football player. every guy at Stanton High School wishes he were Sam. That is, until his championship football game, when Sam accidentally links with an ancient source of energy known as the Veil and reveals his potential to become a powerful sorcerer. Sam is whisked off to Atlas Crown, a community of sorcerers who utilize the Veil as a part of everyday life. Once there, he trains beside a mute boy who speaks through music, an eternal sage who’s the eyes and ears of the Veil, and a beautiful girl who’s pretty sure Sam’s an idiot. As it becomes clear Sam’s meant for power magic-the most feared and misunderstood form of sorcery-people beyond Atlas Crown learn of his dangerous potential. An exiled group of power sorcerers are eager to recruit Sam, believing that he is destined to help them achieve their long-held goal. If they succeed, they could bring about the downfall of not only Atlas Crown. but all humankind.

Book Trailer

Learn more about Masters of the Veil:

Author Daniel A. Cohen
Daniel A. Cohen was just your average business student. Microeconomics, finance, marketing… you name it, he had to do a PowerPoint presentation on it. One dark and stormy night, he was bitten by the radioactive realization that memorizing business jargon could possibly be the most boring activity known to man.

After gaining eagle-eye vision, abs that could grate cheese, and a talent for imagining things (including his cheese-grating abs), he wrote his first novel and began his epic battle against the formidable business jargon. He continues to fight the good fight by playing saxophone and writing YA fantasy, forever hoping his Veil trilogy will help inspire others to join his cause.

Author Daniel Cohen is offering one lucky person a $100 Amazon.com Gift Card.
Last day to enter is May 31st

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4 responses to “{Character Interview+G!veaway} Masters of the Veil by

  1. This was a great character interview! I’m excited for Masters of The Veil. It’s still sitting on my bookshelf and waiting to be picked up (ugh! so swamped these days!), but I’m definitely going to read it soon. Well, maybe right after the Contemporary Month 🙂 Have YOU read it, hon?!

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